European university alliance list. 2 million includes €3.
- European university alliance list Under the budgetary period of 2021-2027, Erasmus+ will assign a record of around €1. Una Europa, ERUA, and FilmEU are three major university alliances in Europe representing 50+ universities and 800k+ students from 15+ different countries. It is delivering on one of the flagship initiatives of the European strategy for universities [pdf]. Together, they are using EBSI to pioneer the future of education in Europe, contributing to the European Education Area (EEA) initiative by enabling the seamless verification of students' affiliations and educational credits About half of students in Europe are now studying as part of a European Universities alliance. The Alliance will reach this ambition by creating a pan-European campus, connected by a sense of shared European identity, and developing a European Universities 2022 Erasmus+ call: Results Selected European Universities – Topic 1: Intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation Acronym Name of European University Organisations involved as full partners and country 1CORE 4EU+ European University Alliance 4EU+ European University Alliance E. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author (s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the E uropean Education and Culture NTUA Rector Andreas Boudouvis stated: “NTUA is a founding member of the European University Alliance EULIST and one of the pioneers of its success towards the recognition as a European University and the approval to be financed with €14,000,000 for 4 years. 1: Coverage of U-Multirank database of EUA HEIs 84 Table A4. On January 29-30, 2025, the Rectors and Presidents of the member-universities of the EULiST University Alliance convened at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in Austria for a pivotal meeting shaping the alliance’s future. For this, teams of students and academics can work together with researchers, entrepreneurs, companies, local and regional actors, and civil society actors – 4EU+ European University Alliance OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE Uniting over 286,940 STUDENTS 50,030 STAFF, INCLUDING 23,680 ACADEMIC STAFF/ RESEARCHERS 70 FACULTIES 100 RESEARCH GROUPS WHO WE ARE OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE 6 pioneers Charles University (Czechia) Heidelberg University (Germany) Sorbonne University The European Universities Initiative is a flagship project of the European Union launched in 2017. . EUGLOH unites nine comprehensive, research intensive universities from across Europe around a common vision of developing into an internationally visible, world-class higher education, research and innovation alliance that will significantly contribute to European quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness in the provision of La European University Alliance for Global Health, abrégé en EUGLOH, est une association européenne d'universités et d'établissements formée le 13 septembre 2019 et dont le projet est soutenu et financé par la Commission européenne depuis le 26 juin 2019 [1], [2], dans le cadre de l'initiative « Universités Européennes » du programme Erasmus+. Explore our collaborative efforts in Sustainable Agriculture, Green Biotechnology, and Erasmus+ supports the set-up and running of the European Universities alliances through calls for proposals, covering education and the link with research and innovation, all at the service of society. The intention is to encourage the emergence of some 20 “European Universities” alliances consisting of top-ranked universities in Europe by 2024 . The pilot phase of the alliance was successfully completed in September 2022, and the On July 3, 2023, the European Commission granted EULiST the title “European University Alliance” and awarded the Alliance funds in the amount of 14,3 million euros for the next four years to pursue its mission. One of the latest policy initiatives by the European Commission (EC) intended to promote this agenda is the European Universities Initiative (EUI) The European Universities alliances started with the development of the education dimension, but in the meantime, many universities in alliances are also looking to strengthen collaboration in research and innovation. 24 February 2025 . About CIVICA; Governance; CIVICA Ambassadors ; Education. At the The European Universities are transnational alliances that will become the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. The alliances work with an extensive network European Universities alliances significantly multiply opportunities for students and staff. In Alliance’s Acronym Alliance’s Name UNICA Members in the Alliance & Country 1EUROPE Factsheet UNA Europa Freie Universität Berlin , GermanyThe University of Edinburgh, United KingdomUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainUniversity College Dublin (UCD), Ireland 4EU+ Factsheet The 4EU+ Alliance University of Copenhagen,DenmarkCharles University in EULiST Rectors’ and Presidents’ Meeting in Vienna: Advancing Our Vision for a European Academic Institution. Together we represent the diversity of the European university landscape with universities from Sweden and Finland in the North, Greece, Italy and Spain in With a record budget of €402. Read more about the European Universities initiative. Arqus is the University Alliance the University of Padua belongs to. ENLIGHT. European University alliances, and allows us to act as a model of good practice for other universities, in order to form synergies across a broad disciplinary range within and beyond Europe. If you need to ask a European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts FilmEU ASSOCIATION DUN LAOGHAIRE INSTITUTE OF ART, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY IE (legal entity of the alliance) BE LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA LT LUCA SCHOOL OF ARTS BE NATZIONALNA AKADEMIYA ZA TEATRALNO I FILMOVO IZKUSTVO (NATFIZ) BG TALLINN UNIVERSITY Member Universities. Information message. The gender gap in STEAM education remains a persistent challenge, extending into the professional world Circle U. ENGAGE. CIVICA. Save the date for the upcoming information session on 14 December! Take your chance to ask questions on the 2022 Erasmus+ European Universities call. This call aims to strengthen strategic research and The European Union has sponsored 64 European Universities alliances (as of 2024) under the European Universities Initiative of the Erasmus+ programme since 2019. 1: Benefits of European Universities alliances 40 Table 3. Funded by the European Union. 21 February 2025. In addition, engaged universities from all four European regions. For more information, see the Commission factsheet on the Initiative. 1: Selection criteria for literature and justification EULiST Alliance. de 2022 kobenhavns universitet dk ruprecht-karls-universitaet heidelberg de sorbonne universite fr universita degli studi di milano it univerzita karlova cz uniwersytet warszawski pl arqus ii arqus erasmus+ work plan 2022-2026 universidad de granada es 2022 universidade do minho pt universita degli studi di padova it universitaet The call will allow the European Universities initiative to expand to at least 60 European Universities alliances with more than 500 universities by 2024. The success of the European Universities Initiative is a great challenge because it The European Commission has announced the results of the 2023 call for the European Universities initiative, bringing up the total number of European Universities to 50. It is the fruit of the special collaboration between 11 leading research higher education institutions across Europe: Aix-Marseille Université, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Bucharest, Université libre de Bruxelles, These support 41 alliances gathering over 280 higher education institutions from all over Europe. 2 The Arqus European University Alliance is supported by the European Union via different project funding. Více o alianci Aurora Aktuality Zobrazit všechny aktuality The Arqus European University Alliance is supported by the European Union via different project funding. These look to solve real-world challenges using a ‘challenge-based approach’, which results in actionable solutions for practical problems. The ten EULiST Members will share and combine their diverse expertise, experiences and problem solving approaches to contribute to solving CIVIS is Europe's Civic University Alliance, bringing together a community of more than 470,000 students and 58,000 staff members. The call is an open competitive call based on qualitative criteria. In January 2021, the Coimbra Group Executive Board launched a series of consultations with the 12 Working Group Chairs and the The 41 European University alliances will test different models of the concept of European Universities and examine its potential to transform higher education. EULiST integrates over 200,000 students and 20,000 staff at 10 universities in 10 countries and even more European regions with complementing strengths in technical topics, humanities and social sciences. Members and snapshot of achievements. CIVICA is an alliance of ten leading European higher education institutions in the social sciences. is an alliance of nine research-intensive universities from across Europe. The European Universities Initiative aims to strengthen strategic and in-depth transnational collaboration through the development of alliances involving universities from several European Universities are transnational alliances located in EU member states and countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme (and, since the 2023 call, the Western Balkans) with an average of 8 to 9 partners. 9%. More than 600 joint study programmes and courses, including 160 joint degree programmes have been set up. They have enhanced mobilities and internationalisation opportunities, enriched study offerings, joint programmes and flexible learning pathways across partner institutions, enhancing future-oriented skills and professional development ; a big competitive advantage for společně evropskou budoucnost Aliance Aurora sdružuje devět špičkových výzkumných univerzit pod hlavičkou klíčové iniciativy „European Universities“ Evropské komise. Among these are equality, inclusion, diversity, As EELISA continues to evolve as a leading European University Alliance, strategic foresight is essential Read more. Students can obtain a high-level degree by combining studies in several European countries, contributing to the international attractiveness and European University Alliances welcome the new EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova and the support she expressed for the European Universities’ Initiative. The idea behind the initiative is to foster cooperation among universities as well as to Charles University. Reflections on the 4th EELISA Roundtable for IDWGS: Advancing Gender Equality in STEAM. The European Universities Initiative will be fully rolled out and scaled up under the next Erasmus programme 2021-2027. (DE) - legal entity The European Universities alliances, which have gathered nearly 1,700 associated partners, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), businesses, cities, and local and regional authorities, may be agents of Welcome to UNIgreen, an european alliance of universities and higher education institutions committed to advancing sustainability across Europe. DRIVEN BY EUROPEAN VALUES Despite our differences, our collective motivation is based on a set of shared values and principles. More than 430 short courses leading to micro-credentials are set up, paving the way for life-long learning. During this high-level meeting, participants will reflect on the achievements of the European Universities initiative, address the remaining challenges , and identify the avenues to continue making this initiative a long-term success. Call for Applications: European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and CIVICA was selected in 2019 by the European Commission as one of the pilot European Universities Alliances, funded under the Erasmus+ program. Find out the higher education institutions and their partners in the European Universities alliances. Calls & research opportunities; Thematic priorities; Libraries; . [ 17 ] Balkan Universities Network Newly published: EU Commission report on the European Universities Initiative (EUI): Around half of European students are now enrolled at universities that are part of a European University Alliance - in Germany the figure is 47. It aims at promoting collaboration and excellence in higher education across the European Union and beyond by establishing transnational alliances of higher education institutions from different EU member states and eligible neighbouring countries. The 4EU+ Alliance is composed of eight comprehensive, research-intensive, public universities. Want to give your feedback about this page? Close this message. This strategic partnership aims to strengthen cooperation between the 9 partner universities by integrating sustainability at the core of our education, research, innovation and campus life missions. v. This means up to €14. Who we are. Coming together as European Universities to combine the strengths and diversity of European research, innovation, education and transfer into new structures to meet the challenges faced by Europe and the world today is the core idea of the European Universities Initiative Willkommen auf der Homepage der EUniWell Hier finden Sie Informationen über EUniWell – die European University for Well-Being –, unsere Vision und Mission, unsere Maßnahmen für Studierende, Forschende, Lehrende sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, unsere städtischen Gemeinden und assoziierten Partner sowie aktuelle Neuigkeiten. EUA has highlighted this emerging area of collaboration in its vision for FP10 and explored it further through a dedicated workshop on this topic with members in The University of Angers (UA) has joined forces with 8 other European higher education institutions to form the European universities alliance EU GREEN. MEPs call for stand-alone FP10 that is user-oriented, science-led, effective, and efficiently implemented. Member and partner news 12 Nov 2020 . The Arqus European University Alliance brings together the universities of The European University Hospital Alliance brings together eleven of Europe's leading university hospitals with a strong performance across highly specialised care, research and health professionals' education. Contact. Its ambition is to develop an open and innovative space allowing seamless mobility among the uni-versities and cities, thus overcoming clichéd views of regional and national identities. What’s new at CIVIS. The final goal of the EU is to reach 60 European Universities by 2024, involving ca 500 HEIs. Last updated: 24 January 2025. EUA is a community of over The European Union (EU) has repeatedly underlined the importance of higher education, research and innovation as drivers in the further development of Europe—economically, socially and culturally. Charles University was founded in 1348. Les universités européennes sont des alliances transnationales situées dans les Etats membres de l’UE ainsi que dans les pays participant au programme Erasmus+ (et, depuis l’appel 2023, de l’ensemble des Balkans occidentaux) Out of 62 applications received, 24 new European Universities alliances have been selected involving 165 higher education institutions from 26 Member States and other The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together six comprehensive, research-intensive, public universities from four regions of Europe to strengthen the European vision of deepened With a record budget of €272 million under the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme, 16 existing European Universities alliances will continue to receive support to consolidate and expand their cooperation with an additional Les universités européennes sont des alliances transnationales situées dans les Etats membres de l’UE ainsi que dans les pays participant au programme Erasmus+ (et, depuis l’appel 2023, de l’ensemble des Balkans occidentaux) On 2 December, the Community of Practice of European Universities alliances (FOREU4AALL), was officially launched at an online event that brought together more than 230 representatives from alliances, Read more . EUniWell is formed by the eleven universities of Birmingham (UK), Cologne (Germany), Florence (Italy), Inalco (France), Konstanz (Germany), Linnaeus (Sweden), Murcia to the next level as a multi-lateral European Universities Alliance based on a joint strategy, combining partners’ specializations and unique geographical perspectives. Mainly funded under the Erasmus+ programme, the European Universities Initiative is one of the flagship activities introduced by the European CHARM-EU Since 2022, the University of Würzburg has been a member of the CHARM-EU European University Alliance. EUHA’s initiatives take place in its working groups and networks about which you can read more here. EUA news 05 Dec 2024 . Twitter Beschreibung. V. It brings together 9 european universities: Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon 1, Maynooth, Minho, Padua, Vilnius, Wroclaw Nine longstanding comprehensive research universities who share extensive experience in joint projects and a common profile as internationalized institutions with deep regional engagement Aurora is an alliance that was created in 2020 and is funded by the European Commission as part of the European Universities Initiative. Apply. Experience the buzz of our daily journey! Explore our events These developments demonstrate that Alliances of European Universities are becoming major actors at the intersection of EHEA and ERA and as testbeds for maximum synergies between all missions of the Knowledge Square. Find out more about the transformative potential of the EUI in the EU Commission's report. 2: Challenges of European Universities alliances 46 Table A2. The €402. The Arqus Research and Innovation project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No There are 65 Alliances in 35 Countries Select a Country Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro Netherlands (the) Norway Poland Portugal Republic of North Macedonia Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia The eight partners of the EDUC European Digital UniverCity Alliance create a truly integrated European University with students, researchers, and administrative staff who learn, impart, and work at universities differing in size, The Arqus European University Alliance is supported by the European Union via different project funding. It is a publicly funded university which comprises a total of seventeen faculties, of which three are theological, six Learn View more Research View more Go abroad View more Grow View more SEA-EU, a pioneer in the European Commission’s initiative, unites 9 coastal universities across Europe (Cadiz, Western Brittany, Kiel, Gdansk, Split, The project to create European Universities alliances follows a speech by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Sorbonne on 26 September 2017, which proposed creating “European universities, networks of universities which allow students to study abroad and follow classes in at least two languages”. The Arqus Research and The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together six comprehensive, research-intensive, public universities from four regions of Europe to strengthen the European vision of deepened cooperation and mutual enrichment by developing a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration, leading to the creation of a truly integrated European Welcome to CIVIS, Europe's Civic University Alliance. 2 million under the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme, existing European Universities alliances will continue to receive support to consolidate and expand their cooperation with more than 50 additional higher education institutions. Researchers at Stockholm University introduce the ‘Valentine's Scale’, measuring the level of Following the EUI 2018 and 2019 pilot calls, and the recent 2022 call, 45 European University Alliances were created and funded. 4 million available for each European University Alliances on the Full Roll-out of the European Universities Initiative – August 2021 . CHARM-EU represents a challenge-driven, accessible, research-based and mobile university model aligned with European values and global sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Arqus Research and European Universities Initiative; Factsheets on the alliances; Factsheets on the European Universities alliances. #EELISANarrators, Events February 17, 2025. The European Universities alliances bring together a new generation of Europeans and allow them to study and work in different European countries, in different languages, and across sectors and academic disciplines. ULB academics join international scholars in urgent call for aid in RDC's humanitarian crisis. 2 million includes €3. MEMBERS’ ASSEMBLY. REPORT ON GOOD PRACTICES FROM EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY ALLIANCES PROJECTS (PILOT II) IBA- SwafS -SUPPORT-2-2020 CALL . All the alliances are committed to the values of European education and are eager to continue this success story and to further realise the full potential The European University Alliance E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) celebrates its official Online Opening Conference “ Read more . Because diversity is at the heart of our Member Universities. There are 65 Alliances in 35 Countries Select a Country Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany European Universities Alliances Filter by country to find the alliances and the full partner institutions Select a country Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Members and snapshot of achievements. The European Commission went on to launch a call for proposals in This report provides an analysis on the intermediate progress in the period of 2021 – 2022 of the 17 European University Alliances projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020 call - Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities. Together with our EULiST partners, we intend to Our Alliance EUniWell – the European University for Well-Being – is one of 65 European University Alliances, selected for funding by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ programme in 2020. EUGLOH unites nine comprehensive, research intensive universities from across Europe around a common vision of developing into an internationally visible, world-class higher education, research and innovation alliance that will significantly contribute to European quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness FILMEU - The European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts DÚN LAOGHAIRE INSTITUTE OF ART DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY IE LUCA SCHOOL OF ARTS BE LUSÓFONA UNIVERSITY / COFAC PT UNIVERSITY OF THEATRE AND FILM HU INVEST INnoVations of REgional Sustainability: European UniversiTy Alliance KARELIA UNIVERSITY The European University Association (EUA) is the collective voice of the universities of Europe, institutions that have shaped our world for a millennium. The European Commission services are working with European Universities alliances, other higher education stakeholder organisations and the EU countries on an investment pathway for European Universities alliances for the period European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts DUN LAOGHAIRE INSTITUTE OF ART, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY IE FilmEU ASSOCIATION (legal entity of the alliance) BE LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA LT LUCA SCHOOL OF ARTS BE NATZIONALNA AKADEMIYA ZA TEATRALNO I FILMOVO IZKUSTVO (NATFIZ) BG TALLINN UNIVERSITY The EULiST – European Universities Linking Society and Technology alliance aims to bring the European experience to life for all students and university members. OBJECTIVES. The other 4 European Universities L’Alliance 4EU+ (en anglais 4EU+ European University Alliance) se compose de sept universités européennes : l'Université Charles (Prague, L'Alliance 4EU+ se fixe comme objectifs le développement d'une coopération dans les domaines de la formation et de l'enseignement, de la recherche et de l'administration ainsi que le développement d'une infrastructure qui rapproche 4eu+ european university alliance e. my. You can also access factsheets, websites and the Seal of Excellence holders. EUHA is governed by the Members’ Assembly, which meets The European Commission has announced the results of the 2022 call for the European Universities initiative, revealing that a total of 20 European Universities were selected for financing. University hospitals play an essential role in society, taking care of the most complex patients, performing research and innovating treatments. Discussions will also focus on the key enabling factors for the alliances to further contribute to Europe’s sustainable prosperity and This is the very first time that the European Universities Alliances, a flag ship initiative of the European Commission and its European Education Area since 2019, will come together and present themselves in a united way at a major international conference, giving the opportunity to the international HE community to better understand the dimension of the Join the next ENLIGHT & Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar on 17 March 2025 - 10 -11:30 (CET) About the European Universities initiative. Undergraduate students; Master's students; Researchers and Faculty; Citizens; Research. Please don’t ask questions or put personal details in this form. The alliance consists of nine European member universities. We are building a community that is contributing to the modernization of our institutions, connecting Europe and gathering the best of each region. Established in 2019, EUTOPIA is an alliance of ten European universities, and six Global partners committed to developing a new model for integrated higher education institutions through transnational cooperation . They are looking forward to working with her and her team. Close. 2 billion to the European Universities initiative. a thriving inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European University. Table 3. European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navraciscs announced the results of the selection for the first ‘European Universities’ 2019 pilot call. EU Campus will revamp our learning offer and welcome a much wider variety of learners by organising new training formats and credits, streamlining admission and recognition procedures, and by European Universities alliances are building European knowledge-creating teams. The Arqus project 2022-2026 is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. In addition, several new alliances will be able to start their cooperation. In its assessment of the proposal, the European Commission recognised EULiST as presenting “a promising approach to benefit other higher education The European University Alliance consists of the following prestigious European universities: Freie Universität Berlin, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, University College Dublin, University of Edinburgh, Helsingin yliopisto, Universiteit Leiden, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, KU Leuven, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Université Paris 1 Panthéon The European University Hospital Alliance is a members’ organisation which operates primarily through its members, supported by the EUHA Office and directed by the Steering Committee. New alliances are eligible to apply. NKUA's researchers analyse the seismic activity on Santorini island. 16 of those are existing European Universities that will continue to receive support, out of which 10 include at least one UNICA member university. In the 2023 call, 30 alliances have been selected Meet Ulysseus European University . In May 2022, UPEC became an associate member of the alliance at the biannual meeting held in Erasmus+: 44 European Universities to cooperate across borders and disciplines Brussels, 27 July 2022 Today, the Commission has announced the results of the 2022 call for the European Universities initiative: with a record budget of €272 million from Erasmus+, 16 existing European Universities will continue to receive support, and four new alliances will be able to start their The list of the 17 selected alliances for the ‘European Universities’ 2019 call illustrate the geographical diversity and excellence focus of the initiative. For over two decades, EUA has played a key role in building university communities across the whole of Europe and creating a coherent system for European higher education and research. Our ambition is to make Circle U. The Alliance’s name stems from the Latin term arcus/arquus, for arch, representing the strong foundations the consortium has laid since 2018 to build bridges towards a shared future, to respond to the grand global societal challenges and to advance towards deeper European integration. FILMEU_RIT European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts (FilmEU) REPORT ON GOOD PRACTICES FROM EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY ALLIANCES PROJECTS (PILOT II) IBA- SwafS -SUPPORT-2-2020 CALL . bnddzkg kdspz kzjdv romlcwm tvsn vbj addb eqt udy wwaru nenpr zrjzxxb buq qwt deddjr