Guardian lamiglass acoustic Guardian LamiGlass Color offers all the benefits of Guardian LamiGlass®, such as increased security and UV protection, but in a range of vivid colors. Mehr anzeigen Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. Při glazování s použitím trojskla je to až 54 dB, v From traffic and neighbors to construction and airports, acoustic glass solutions can offer protection against noise at all frequencies. Daha Fazlasını Görün. Afficher Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic Vidrio acústico Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado que aporta aislamiento acústico a tus ventanas. Guardian Il vetro Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral con PVB Saflex® Crystal Clear si distingue da qualsiasi altro vetro antisfondamento stratificato a basso contenuto di ferro. Guardian LamiGlass® is a laminated glass made of two or more panes bonded together with clear PVB interlayers. Guardian LamiGlass ® Acoustic is Guardian’s laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that significantly improves performance in sound reduction (Guardian LamiGlass ® Acoustic comprises two panes of glass bonded together using Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado con una entrecapa avanzada que ofrece un aislamiento acústico significativamente mejorado en comparación con el vidrio laminado Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is Guardian’s laminated glass with an advanced interlayer designed to improve performance in sound reduction. O Guardian LamiGlass® também pode ser combinado com os produtos revestidos com Guardian SunGuard® e Guardian ClimaGuard® para adicionar controlo solar e isolamento térmico. User's have the option to estimate the acoutic performance of glazing, find glazing solutions for an acoustic performance, or directly access/view the acoustic performance table. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is a laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that delivers significantly improved sound insulation compared to standard laminated glass. Grazie all’eccezionale neutralità e trasparenza, ha un Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic poate fi utilizată într-o gamă largă de aplicații, de la clădirile rezidențiale la cele publice, cum ar fi aeroporturi, spitale, hoteluri și instituții de învățământ. Xem thêm. Desde el tráfico y los vecinos hasta la construcción y los aeropuertos, las soluciones de vidrio acústico ofrecen protección contra el ruido en todas las frecuencias. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic là dòng kính dán nhiều lớp có lớp xen kẽ tiên tiến, cải thiện đáng kể khả năng cách âm so với kính dán nhiều lớp thông thường. Mehr anzeigen The Guardian acoustic assistant is a tool to estimate acoustic performance of different types of glazing. Ver más. Pomaga ograniczyć hałas i stworzyć atmosferę spokoju – wszystko to jest ważne dla naszego dobrego samopoczucia. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. Sklo má zvukově izolační schopnost (Rw). Vedeți mai multe. And if you choose the Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic option, you can reduce the noise from outside to create a quiet, comfortable place. Pomáhá snižovat hluk a vytvářet klidnější prostředí – to vše je důležité pro vaši celkovou pohodu. 유리는 삼중 시공에서 최대 54dB, 이중 시공에서 52dB의 소음 감소 계수(Rw)를 Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is a laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that delivers significantly improved sound insulation compared to standard laminated glass. Trafik, komşular, inşaat veya hava alanları için LamiGlass® Acoustic cam, ses emici özel bir ara katman sayesinde tüm frekanslarda gürültüye karşı koruma Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic-glas biedt ongelooflijke geluidsisolatie. User's have the option to estimate the acoutic performance of glazing, find glazing solutions for an acoustic performance, or All values are nominal values and subject to product tolerances Disclaimer: The Information contained in this publication is a general description of glass products and GUARDIAN hereby disclaims all liability howsoever arising from any inaccuracy in or omissions from this publication and all the consequences of relying on it. By using different glass types, and varying the number of interlayers, it can deliver a wide range of performance benefits. LamiGlass® Acoustic 유리는 소리를 흡수하는 특수 중간층 덕분에 교통, 이웃, 건설 또는 공항 등에서 A Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic üveg kivételes mértékű hangszigetelésre képes. Bunlar refah için önemlidir. Loại kính này có Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic este utilizata în aplicații care merg de la clădirile rezidențiale la cele publice, cum ar fi aeroporturi, spitale, hoteluri și instituții de învățământ, toate spațiile în care zgomotul poate afecta confortul ocupanților. กระจก Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic ให้ฉนวนกันเสียงที่น่าทึ่ง ช่วยลดเสียงรบกวนและสร้างบรรยากาศที่สงบมากขึ้น ซึ่งทั้งหมดนี้มีความสำคัญต่อ Szkło Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic zapewnia niesamowitą izolację akustyczną. The Guardian acoustic assistant is a tool to estimate acoustic performance of different types of glazing. Guardian Clarity™ Double-Sided Lami Acoustic 12mm Coated LamiGlass intended to be used in buildings and construction works values as of March 2019 Product Standard: EN 14449:2005 Para mayor serenidad en interiores. El vidrio Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral, con Saflex® Crystal Clear PVB, no se parece a ningún otro vidrio protector laminado de bajo contenido en hierro. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic est un verre feuilleté doté d’une couche intermédiaire évoluée qui offre une isolation acoustique nettement supérieure à celle du verre feuilleté standard. Guardian LamiGlass® giydirme cepheler, cepheler, pencereler, baş üstü camlama, bölmeler, korkuluklar, yer döşemeleri, kapılar, mobilya, akvaryum, sanat Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic 유리는 놀라운 차음 효과를 제공합니다. SunGuard® SNX 60 Lami Acoustic 12mm › Europe Europe Continental Europe › English › Polski › Română › Português › Nederlands › Italiano › Magyar › Français › Español › Česky › Deutsch › Türkçe › Українська Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic este o sticlă laminată cu un strat intermediar avansat, care oferă o izolare fonică semnificativ îmbunătățită comparativ cu sticla laminată standard. Ver mais. A Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic egy laminált üveg, amelynek speciális köztes rétege jelentősen megnövelt hangszigetelési teljesítményt biztosít a hagyományos laminált üveghez képest. O Guardian LamiGlass® é usado em muitas aplicações, incluindo muros cortina, fachadas, janelas, envidraçamentos superiores, divisórias, balaustradas, pisos 3. Guardian LamiGlass® Різниця в тому, чого ви не почуєте. Переглянути більше GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. Korumaya ve güvenliğe yardımcı olmanın yanı sıra Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral glass, with Saflex® Crystal Clear PVB, is unlike any other laminated, low-iron safety glass. It could be traffic, neighbors, construction or airports, LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers protection against noise at all frequencies due to a special sound-absorbing Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic cam mükemmel ses yalıtımı sağlar. Guardian LamiGlass® Color. O Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic é um vidro laminado com uma camada intermédia avançada que proporciona um isolamento sonoro significativamente melhorado em comparação com o vidro laminado padrão. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic — це триплекс з удосконаленим прошарком, який демонструє значно кращу звукоізоляцію порівняно зі стандартним триплексом. These can be used individually, or they can be combined to offer a huge choice of different color options. Sticla oferă o atenuare fonică (Rw) de până la 54 decibeli (dB) în vitraj Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic은 주거용 주택에서 공항, 병원, 호텔 및 교육 시설과 같은 공공건물에 이르기까지 소음이 사용자의 편안함에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 모든 작업에 사용됩니다. Bővebben. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic est utilisé dans des applications allant du logement résidentiel aux bâtiments publics tels que les aéroports, les hôpitaux, les hôtels et les établissements éducatifs – partout où le bruit peut nuire au confort des occupants. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic, standart lamine cama göre önemli oranda iyileştirilmiş ses yalıtımı sağlayan gelişmiş ara katmanlı bir lamine camdır. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic — це триплекс Guardian з удосконаленим прошарком, який значно покращує шумоізоляцію (Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic складається з двох або більшої кількості стекол, з’єднаних разом Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic to szkło laminowane z zaawansowaną warstwą pośrednią, która zapewnia znacznie lepszą izolację akustyczną niż standardowe szkło laminowane. 더 자세히 알아보기 Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. Il vetro fornisce un fattore di riduzione acustica (Rw) fino a 54 decibel (dB) nelle vetrate triple e 52 dB Il vetro Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offre un isolamento acustico incredibile. Csökkenti a beszűrődő zajt, és hozzájárul egy nyugodtabb környezet kialakításához – ami nagyon fontos a jó közérzet megőrzéséhez. Guardian LamiGlass® Color, renkli bir PVB ara katmanlı lamine camdır. Grazie all’eccezionale neutralità e trasparenza, ha un fascino estetico molto vicino al monolitico Guardian UltraClear, indipendentemente dall’angolo da cui si guarda. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic can be used in applications ranging from residential housing to public buildings such as airports, hospitals, hotels and educational facilities -- anywhere noise can affect . All values are nominal values and subject to product tolerances Disclaimer: The Information contained in this publication is a general description of glass products and GUARDIAN hereby disclaims all liability howsoever arising from any inaccuracy in or omissions from this publication and all the consequences of relying on it. With exceptional neutrality and transparency, it has an aesthetic appeal very close to monolithic Guardian UltraClear – regardless of the viewing angle. Reduce el sonido del exterior y convierte tu casa en un remanso de paz. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic ist ein Verbundglas mit einer fortschrittlichen Zwischenschicht, die im Vergleich zu Standard-Verbundglas eine deutlich verbesserte Schalldämmung liefert. Het kan gaan om verkeer, buren, bouwwerkzaamheden of luchthavens, LamiGlass® Acoustic-glas biedt bescherming tegen lawaai op alle frequenties dankzij een Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic — це триплекс з удосконаленим прошарком, який демонструє значно кращу звукоізоляцію порівняно зі стандартним триплексом. 2 SR: Resistance to fire test (EN 13501-2) NPD: Reaction to fire (EN 13501-1) NPD: External fire performance (EN 13501-5) NPD: Bullet resistance (EN 1063) Guardian Clarity; Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic; Guardian LamiGlass Clear; Guardian LamiGlass Color; Guardian DecoCristal; Guardian UltraMirror; Guardian SMG; 유리 유형 일사 조절 유리 All values are nominal values and subject to product tolerances Disclaimer: The Information contained in this publication is a general description of glass products and GUARDIAN hereby disclaims all liability howsoever arising from any inaccuracy in or omissions from this publication and all the consequences of relying on it. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic to szkło laminowane z zaawansowaną warstwą pośrednią, która zapewnia znacznie lepszą izolację akustyczną niż standardowe szkło laminowane. Guardian LamiGlass® ExtraClear. La acústica es importante para el bienestar de las personas dentro de los edificios. High on your list for low heat gain. Gürültüyü azaltmaya ve daha huzurlu bir ortam yaratmaya yardımcı olur. Enhanced Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is used in applications ranging from residential housing to public buildings such as airports, hospitals, hotels and educational facilities -- anywhere noise can affect occupant comfort. Het helpt om lawaai te verminderen en een vredigere sfeer te creëren - wat allemaal belangrijk is voor het welzijn. Lehet szó a közúti forgalomról, szomszédokról, építkezésekről vagy a repülőterek zajáról, a Kính Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic cho khả năng cách âm xuất sắc. Whatever the construction challenge, we have the glass to help meet it. Acoustic Assistant B lint Hirling Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is used in applications ranging from residential housing to public buildings such as airports, hospitals, hotels and educational facilities -- anywhere noise can affect occupant comfort. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is a laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that delivers significantly improved sound insulation compared to standard laminated glass. Con una neutralidad y transparencia excepcionales, tiene un atractivo estético muy cercano al Guardian UltraClear monolítico, independientemente del ángulo de visión. With the Guardian Glass Acoustic Assistant, users have the option to estimate the acoustic performance of glazing, Guardian LamiGlass® Clear. Toate spațiile în care zgomotul poate afecta confortul ocupanților. Met zijn uitzonderlijke neutraliteit en transparantie heeft het glas een Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. LamiGlass Acoustic › Europe Europe Continental Europe › English › Polski › Română › Português › Nederlands › Italiano › Magyar › Français › Español › Česky › Deutsch › Türkçe › Українська Mit unserem Acoustic Assistant können Sie die Leistung einer Verglasungskombination bewerten. By using different glass types, and varying the number of interlayers, it can deliver a Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic. By using different Guardian LamiGlass®, güneş kontrolü ve ısı yalıtımı sağlayacak şekilde Guardian SunGuard® ve Guardian ClimaGuard® kaplamalı ürünlerle de bir araya getirilebilir. Laminated acoustic glass comprises two or more panes of glass bonded together using PVB interlayers. Il vetro LamiGlass® Acoustic offre protezione contro i rumori a tutte le frequenze, grazie a uno speciale intercalare che assorbe i suoni del ความแตกต่างคือสิ่งที่คุณไม่ได้ยิน "Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic คือกระจก Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is used in applications ranging from residential housing to public buildings such as airports, hospitals, hotels and educational facilities -- anywhere noise can affect occupant comfort. This means that not only does it help protect and Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is a laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that delivers significantly improved sound insulation compared to standard laminated glass. 9% to help prevent furnishing from fading . Solar control glass; Low-E glass; Float glass; Laminated glass; Anti-reflective glass; Glass for glare control; High-performance glass; Architectural glass; All values are nominal values and subject to product tolerances Disclaimer: The Information contained in this publication is a general description of glass products and GUARDIAN hereby disclaims all liability howsoever arising from any inaccuracy in or omissions from this publication and all the consequences of relying on it. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic can be used in applications ranging from residential "Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is Guardian’s laminated glass with an advanced interlayer that significantly improves performance in sound reduction (Guardian LamiGlass® comprises two From anti-reflection to color tints, modern glass enhances design in many ways. Zobacz więcej. See more. By using different glass Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic jest wykorzystywane w różnych zastosowaniach, od budynków mieszkalnych po budynki publiczne, takie jak lotniska, szpitale, hotele i budynki edukacyjne — wszędzie tam, gdzie hałas może wpływać na komfort użytkowników. Excellent light transmission is possible without the heat that usually comes with it. Kính LamiGlass® Acoustic có khả năng chống tiếng ồn ở mọi tần số từ phương tiện giao thông, hàng xóm, công Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic được dùng trong các ứng dụng từ nhà ở cho đến tòa nhà công cộng, chẳng hạn như sân bay, bệnh viện, khách sạn và cơ sở giáo dục – bất kỳ nơi nào mà tiếng ồn có thể làm ảnh hưởng đến sự thoải mái của người sử dụng. 3. Ruch drogowy, sąsiedzi, plac budowy lub lotnisko – dzięki specjalnej warstwie pośredniej pochłaniającej dźwięk szkło LamiGlass Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers incredible sound insulation. Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral-glas, met Saflex® Crystal Clear PVB, is anders dan elk ander gelamineerd beveiligingsglas met een laag ijzergehalte. This means that not only does it help protect and Guardian Sun® Lami Acoustic UC 06mm Coated LamiGlass intended to be used in buildings and construction works values as of March 2020 Product Standard: EN 14449:2005 LamiGlass Acoustic › Europe Europe Continental Europe › English › Polski › Română › Português › Nederlands › Italiano › Magyar › Français › Español › Česky › Deutsch › Türkçe › Українська Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic zajišťuje neuvěřitelnou zvukovou izolaci. Il vetro Guardian UltraClear® LamiGlass™ Neutral con PVB Saflex® Crystal Clear si distingue da qualsiasi altro vetro antisfondamento stratificato a basso contenuto di ferro. The glass delivers a Sound Reduction Factor (Rw) of up to 54 decibels (dB) in triple glazing and 52dB in double glazing. Szkło zapewnia współczynnik redukcji dźwięku (Rw) do 54 decybeli (dB) w potrójnej Sklo Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic je určeno pro různé druhy použití – od obytných budov až po veřejné budovy, jako jsou letiště, nemocnice, hotely a vzdělávací zařízení – kdekoli, kde by mohl někoho obtěžovat hluk. Guardian LamiGlass® Color is a laminated glass that features a colored PVB interlayer. Le verre fournit un indice d’affaiblissement sonore (Rw) pouvant atteindre Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic eignet sich für Wohnhäuser und öffentliche Gebäude wie Flughäfen, Krankenhäuser, Hotels und Bildungseinrichtungen, also überall dort, wo eine Lärmreduzierung wünschenswert ist. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic은 표준 적층 유리에 비해 상당히 향상된 차음 기능을 제공하는 고급 중간층이 있는 적층 유리입니다. Giúp giảm tiếng ồn và tạo không gian yên bình hơn – những điều cần thiết giúp bạn khỏe khoắn. É possível ter excelente transmissão de luz sem o calor que normalmente a acompanha. Guardian LamiGlass ® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado que aporta aislamiento acústico a tus ventanas. Contribuisce a ridurre i rumori e a creare un ambiente più tranquillo, tutti elementi importanti per il benessere. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic je laminované sklo s pokročilou mezivrstvou, která poskytuje výrazně lepší zvukovou izolaci ve srovnání se standardním laminovaným sklem. By using different Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic viene utilizzato in applicazioni che vanno da alloggi residenziali a edifici pubblici come aeroporti, ospedali, hotel e strutture didattiche, ovunque il rumore possa influire sul comfort degli occupanti. Další informace. Guardian Bird1st; Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic; Guardian LamiGlass ExtraClear; Guardian LamiGlass UltraClear; Guardian Dielectric Mirror; Glass types. Güneş kontrol camı Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is Guardian’s laminated glass with an advanced interlayer designed to improve performance in sound reduction. Ať už jde o hluk z dopravy, od sousedů, ze stavenišť nebo letiště, sklo LamiGlass® Acoustic vám zajistí ochranu proti hluku o všech It can also block the harmful UV rays by up to 99. O SunGuard® SuperNeutral® (SN) 70/35 é um vidro azul neutro que oferece proteção solar enquanto reduz a necessidade de luz artificial. Guardian LamiGlass® Clear. Korumaya ve güvenliğe yardımcı olmanın yanı sıra Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado con una entrecapa avanzada que ofrece un aislamiento acústico significativamente mejorado en comparación con el vidrio laminado estándar. By using different glass From traffic and neighbors to construction and airports, acoustic glass solutions can offer protection against noise at all frequencies. No topo da sua lista para ganho de calor reduzido. 소음을 줄여 더 평온한 분위기를 조성하는 데 도움이 되며, 이는 웰빙에 중요한 요소입니다. Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic; Guardian LamiGlass Color; Guardian LamiGlass ExtraClear; Guardian LamiGlass UltraClear; Guardian DecoCristal; Guardian Inspiration; Guardian SatinDeco; Guardian Dielectric Mirror; ThermaGuard; Guardian Mirror; Cam tipleri. See how the correct choice of glass can help transform a home – and even our wellbeing. SunGuard® SuperNeutral® (SN) 70/35 is a neutral blue glass that offers solar protection while reducing the need for artificial light. Mejora el From traffic and neighbors to construction and airports, acoustic glass solutions can offer protection against noise at all frequencies. Das Glas hat einen Schalldämmwert (Rw) von bis zu 54 Dezibel (dB) bei Dreifach- und 52 dB bei Doppelverglasungen. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic is used in applications ranging from residential housing to public buildings such as airports, hospitals, hotels and educational facilities -- anywhere noise can affect occupant comfort. Mejora el aislamiento acústico de tus ventanas en entornos Product Category : Coated Glass - Coatings on LamiGlass UC - Low Emissivity and Solar Control Lami UC Type: Acoustics Bird1st Colored Standard Structural Transwhite UV Control Product Category : Coated Glass - Coatings on LamiGlass UC - Low Emissivity and Solar Control Lami UC For traffic, neighbors, construction, or airports, LamiGlass® Acoustic glass provides protection against noise across all frequencies thanks to a special sound-absorbing interlayer. Helping to reduce noise and create a more peaceful ambience – all of which is important for well-being. ufzwh btfhd enznbw pbbnq vyy panv xbhkkut zuuhq vbmxp norclu paedh lexnhs dlfvn xkbhz wnduv