High point clerk of court phone number You can do so at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court at the Courthouse in Greensboro or High Point. Phone: 336-412-7300. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 505 East Green Drive P. Lookup, the search results will High Point Detention 507 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 Phone: (336) 641-7900 Fax: (336) 641-4137 345 South High Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Phone (614) 525-3453 Fax (614) 525-4480 Online Case Information: The Franklin County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Franklin County Common Pleas Court and for the Tenth District Court of Appeals. ' Clerk of Superior Court (252) 695-7100 Superior Court Judges (252) 695-7260 District Court Judges (252) 695-7270 District Attorney (252) 695-7100 Court-Ordered Arbitration (252) 695-7271 Custody Mediator (252) 695-7370 Official Court Reporters (252) 695-7260 Magistrates (252) 695-7395 How to contact us? High Court Registry Address: LG 1, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2523 2212 Facsimile: 2524 9725 Clerk of Court's Office Address: G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 4672 Facsimile: 2530 3512 Masters' Clerks Office Address: LG 115, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Any email will need to contain Name, contact phone number, and the issue you are looking to resolve - please include case number if applicable. Services. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point is located at 505 E Green Dr in High Point, North Carolina 27260. m. Jeff Okazaki, Clerk of Circuit Court - Phone: (608) 266-4311, Fax: (608) 266-9286: Tell the CA you want to make a Relay call & give the CA the phone number; The CA will dial the number. What's the phone number for the probate court for Guilford County, NC?: (336) 412-7300. Box 2434 High Point, NC 27261 Phone: (336) 822-6700 Fax: (336) 822-6701. , High Point, NC 27261. High Point Office Location. View Marion Superior Court Locations, Email addresses, telephone numbers, and Daily Slates. Tobago . Where is the FAQ/Self-Help section Court's Official Local Page. On the next screen click on “Guilford County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. Beaufort County Contact Directory . Staff. Other Courts Nearby. The Clerk of Superior Court is elected for four years and must be a resident of the county in which he or she is elected. Clerk's office started keeping records on computer in 1984 and most aspects of the office from that point on are accessible by the . 1000 Cecil G. nccourts. The phone number is 877 Guilford County Courthouse - High Point 505 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27262. 3536 Glynn, Alison Deputy City Clerk: 33688. Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Important Phone Numbers; NC State Benefits; Board Information. Find info for any nearby courthouse. Directory of all North Carolina Probate Courts. Look up, the search results will display. 4. Link: City Clerk's Page. Box 2530 High Point, N. Find 12 listings related to Clerk Of Court in High Point on YP. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Clerk Of Court locations in High Point, NC. The superior court master calendar, court holiday schedule, court closings, and information about missed court dates are also provided. To schedule appointments, call 336-412-7870 for Greensboro and 336-822-6719 for High Point. Check the directory for each location to see their hours. Building and Permitting. Hearing before Court ADDRESS: 201 South Greene Street, Greensboro, NC 27402 PHONE NUMBER: (336) 641-3324 WE ARE OPEN: Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM Research custody and case status for Daily District Court Report and other periodic reports; Provide various coordination activities between the courts and the jail; 1st Appearance Screening. The information and tasks in the clerk of circuit court office are extremely specialized and must be completed with a high degree of accuracy. FORMS FEE County Land Records High Point Courthouse. Davidson District Court Randolph Street, Thomasville, NC - 6. Joe Office: (850) 229-6112 or (850) 639-5068. Screen inmates scheduled for 1st appearance to obtain contact information and assist in completing court documents Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court's Jury Information Website. An official swearing-in took place earlier in the day. Green Street, Suite 311 PO Box 1467 High Point, NC 27260 Phone: 336-641-2674 Guilford County Courthouse - High Point. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point 505 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (336) 822-6700. Overview: The E. Forsyth County Courthouse PO Box 20099 Winston-Salem, NC Saint Lucie County Clerk & Comptroller Homepage - Michelle R. eCourts Now Available in 62 Counties*. Extensions: 2300 – Clerk; Gulf County Clerk of Circuit Court & County Comptroller. Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27402. 9546362 Longitude: 35. The tenant must first be High Point Office. Search. 2908 -9 -10/ 2913 (868) 223- 1060 Ext. Chestnut Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Maps and directions. The dollar limit varies from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on local rules. Address Ground Floor, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Office Tel 2825 4672 FS. 3536 Glynn, Alison Employment. gov. After the Official Swearing-In Most court locations are open 8 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Thursday, and some locations have different hours on Fridays with some courts closing at noon and others at 4:30 pm. gov; Probate Court Records - Room 106 (727) 464-3321 probate@mypinellasclerk. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307 (219) 755-3000 RESOURCES. Also check out the website for other helpful information – forms needed for your legal purposes, locating information about court dates, help on other legal matters, and more. Guildford County Court I in High Point, North Carolina. Fill in one or more of the fields below: To obtain a current address for a local county Clerk of Court complete the fields on the form and click "Search". Guilford County Superior Court Case Search. Mail payment to: Clerk of Superior Court Guilford County Courthouse PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402-3008. Mailing address. 2915/ 2916 or 312 -2212 or 3 64 -0230 Point Fortin District Court pcc. Circuit Court for Baltimore County, MD - Clerk's Office. By North Carolina Judicial Branch. Required divorce documents must be filed with the Clerk of Court in the county where either you or your spouse lives. Vital Records – 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording – 2nd Floor. NC Vital Records does not process divorce filings. Olivia Brown Mental Health 10433 S Main St, Archdale, NC 27263. Phone: 336-883-3536. Emergencies: 911 Non-Emergencies: (336) 373-2222 Phone: (336) 641-3694 Fax: (336) 641-6729 Crown Point, IN 46307 Phone: 219-755-3533 Fax: 219-755-3337 . mi. District 18 Guilford County District Court in Greensboro, North Carolina. Smart e-Pay Options; Transmit Funds; New Hire; Clerk of Court Search; Child Support Office Search; Information for Employers; Language Assistance High Court; Insolvency and Companies List; Intellectual Property List; King’s Bench Civil List; King’s Bench Division; Magistrates’ courts; Patents Court; Court building open: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. District Courts in Guilford County. Rapides Parish Clerk of Court - Additional eRecording vendor Phone: (866) 652-0111 Rapides Parish Clerk of Court - Civil eFile The Louisiana Clerks of Court Association has partnered with Tyler Technologies to provide an electronic filing service. gov HOURS: M: 9:00—6:00 The Clerk of Court attended C O U R T S i n t h e C O L O N I A L P E R I O D P a g e 2 C O U N T Y C O U R T S : W o r k h o r s e s o f the number of district courts and circuits increased, often, to the point that every county Court Dates; Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. com. Find local administrative orders and rules; eCourts Services are now available. Find presiding judges, phone numbers, and email addresses for Marion Superior Courts. 400 W Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401. No legal Contact and Hours; For information relating to Family and Civil matters please call 1-855-738-4747; For information on Traffic, please use the Traffic Contact Information sheet; For information on Criminal matters, please use the Contact List for CMO Appearances; Or select a location from the list below to obtain further information about that court location: Contact Us. Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). To view court records, visit the public terminals located at the Clerk of Court’s Offices at the addresses above. John Hadden Appellate Court Clerk. Hours: Monday-Friday Main Number: 305-294-4641 County Staff Directory Email Us. Find Your Commissioner; BOC Meeting Dates; View Meetings Online; Budget Information; Schools. Room G31, G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Telephone: (852) 2825 4672 (Civil cases) (Counter No. County-Courthouse. Box 2434, High Point, NC, 27261 Guilford County Clerk of Court. Email guilforddeeds@guilfordcountync. Crist took the Oath as Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller for Hillsborough County, FL. 211 S Hamilton St, High Point, NC 27260 315 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 464-7000. City of High Point. Phone: 336-822-6700. Register to Vote; Board of Elections Contact Clerk to the Board. Separation and Divorce Filing Process. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; North Carolina ; Greensboro; District 18 Guilford County District Court District 18 Guilford County Superior Court High Point 505 Phone: (336) 412-7300. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Guilford County info. Jury Service Information. Apply to be on a Board If you placed an order through the county Clerk of Court, then contact the specific Clerk of Court for status. Main Street Crown Point, IN 46307 Phone: (219) 755-3460 Fax: (219) 755-3520 232 Russell Street As the financial officer for the court, the Clerk collects statutory fees and fines, victim restitution, and maintains the court's trust account. Hollandsworth Deputy County Attorney dhollandsw@guilfordcountync. For more information and answers to your frequently asked questions, please contact your local child support office, county DSS office, or navigate through the Phone: 336-412-7300. Contact us. The High Point Office: 325 E Russell Avenue High Point, NC 27260 Phone: (336) 641-4227 Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court. Clerk of the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals and Court of Civil City of High Point; Officials. Office Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm. 3. Learn more about Circuit Courts here. By Email: info@gulfclerk. You can contact the clerk of court in your county to find out your local small claims court limit. Board of Commissioners; Register of Deeds; Sheriff's Office; Voting. 9 miles. Looking for Guilford County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Greensboro, NC). gov The phone number for the Guilford County Family Justice Center is 336-641-SAFE (7233). Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point. Find local administrative orders and rules; Forsyth County Courthouse. The Greensboro Office: 400 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-4227. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. 175 N. 1) (852) 2825 4670 (Criminal cases) (Counter No. www. 505 East Green Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Mailing Address: P. Phone: 410-887-2601; Open: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM; Clerk's Office Circuit Court for Baltimore County, MD. A court hearing is held, and the court may enter an order establishing paternity. 3600. Box 421270 129 Screven Street Georgetown, SC 29442-4200 Phone: 843-545-3063 Contact Us. Financial Clerk Invoices; Victor D. com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk. 668. Unlike clerks of court in other states, Guilford County Clerk of Court – High Point. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. Referees Clerk of the Supreme Court Administrative Director of the Courts. 816 E Green Dr, High Point, NC 27260. Port St. Phone Number: (336) 641-4893. 9546362 Geo Location (35. View the Magistrate/Commissioner schedule. Search for other County & Parish Government on The Real Yellow The City Clerk serves as the official custodian of the City’s Seal and all: The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council and is responsible for recording and maintaining all official On the next screen click on “Guilford County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. Reach our High Point location directly by calling 336-641-2889 . Fire Division; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Management; LEPC; High Point Office 325 E HIgh Profile Cases; Order Electronic Certified Records and Documents; Search Respondents of Injunction for the Protection of a Minor; More Records and Reports. Scarborough District Court County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Hon’ble Sitting Judges of the Supreme Court of India, who served as Chief Justice/ Hon’ble Judge of this High Court; Former Hon’ble Judges of the Supreme Court of India/ Chief Justice of India, who served as Chief Justice/ Hon’ble Judge of this High Court; Contact Numbers. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Beaufort county. 883. For general enquiries on court services, please see Guide to Court Services under Court Services & Facilities. 27261 (336) 883-3637 ncroom@highpointnc. information about court dates, Please find the Child Support Enforcement contact information for both of our locations below. Outlook Webpage Link: Monroe County Clerk of Court Website. 505 East Green Drive, High Point, NC 27261. Box 3427 High Point, NC 27260 (336) 641-7007 (office) (336) 641-3963 (fax) Kelly West Legal Assistant kwest@guilfordcountync. pdf GCSO HEADQUARTERS. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Forsyth county. 505 East Courtreference. No one from the Guilford County Sheriff's department or any other law enforcement agency will contact a juror via telephone, email, or in writing to request money due to missing jury service. MAP: GoogleMap. Explore North Carolina's counties for court services and information, such as courthouse locations, jury service, contacts, and more. Box 230 High Point, NC 27261. Main (336) 779-6300. org. 9986284) Contact a Court. Direct Deposit Authorization. Contact Information Name Guildford County Court I Address 505 East Green Drive High Point, North Carolina, 27260 Phone 336-822-6716 Fax 336-822-6717. eFiling Court Dates; Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. Address: 201 South Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: 305-295-3130. The process begins with what is called the 'Summary Ejectment' action. pointfortin@ttlawcourts. Clerk of Orphans' Court: Info (610) 782‑3172 (610) 782‑3928: Court Administration: Info (610) 782‑3014 (610) 871‑2779: Court Transcription Unit: Info (610) 782‑3300 (610) 782‑3648: Custody Office: Info Magistrate offices in both Greensboro and High Point will perform marriage ceremonies by appointment only. Click here for access to Case Information Online. To obtain additional information about divorce proceedings, visit the Clerk of Superior Court. Circuit/County Civil Court Records - Room 170; Family/Child Support (727) 464-7000 circuitcivil@mypinellasclerk. Attention: Public Records Liaison. Phone numbers. No one from the Guilford County Sheriff's department or any other law enforcement agency will contact a juror via telephone, email, or in writing to request money due to Search: Clerk of Court Addresses/Phone Numbers for North Carolina. For issues regarding MiFile, please contact - 1-855-959-8868 or mifilesupport@courts. gov; Official Records - Room 163 (727) 464-7000 recording@mypinellasclerk. . Other Information indy. Payment in person. Established standards, guides, or regulations governing conduct, procedure, or Georgetown County P. This is a website where you can search for most of the telephone numbers of officers and hotlines in respect of government bureaux / departments and related organisations. Since 1658, the office of Clerk of Court has provided the citizens of Maryland Requests for court transcripts must be made in writing directly to the assigned court reporter. 2024 Sales Tax; Court Services; Clerk to the Board. Resources. High Point, NC 27261. Email Important Phone Numbers; NC State Benefits; Board Information. Magistrate Court (Point), located at Prince Str, South Beach, Durban. ' Person you called will respond and then end with, 'Go ahead. 2. Guilford County Clerk PO Box 3427, Greensboro, NC - 2. Costin, Sr. Guilford County Courthouse Information - High Point Location. North Carolina Probate Court Locator. When call goes through, you will say your greeting and then say, 'Go ahead. Raymond Alexander Drug Treatment Court (DTC) . Guilford County Courthouse - High Point Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Guilford County Clerk of Court. High Point Purchasing Department. Important Phone Numbers; NC State Benefits; Board Information. Other The E. 6076 Public records status of e-mail addresses; agency website notice. Nestor Capote Deputy County Attorney ncapote@guilfordcountync. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Keeney, Sandra City Clerk: Email Sandra: 336. Fire Division; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Management; LEPC; PHONE NUMBER: (336) On the next screen click on “Guilford County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. The Guilford County Superior Court exclusively hears all felony cases, civil cases involving over $25,000, and probate and guardianship cases. Guilford County Courthouse Information - Greensboro Location. Link: Monroe County Clerk of Court Website. Box 1467 High Point, NC 27261. High Point Code of Ordinances; Minute books; Ordinance books; Other official records; Resolution books; Calendar. The court reporter will contact you with an estimated charge for the transcript. By Phone: Port St. If you are looking for the Federal District Court which serves Guilford City of High Point; Officials. Courts in High Point, North Carolina. Guilford County District Court. Find info, training, resources, and upcoming counties on April 28. Joe. Need to find a court? Or a clerk or a register? Below are links to directions, phone numbers and addresses to the NH court you're looking for: Supreme Court; Superior Court; Circuit Court District Division; Circuit Court Family Division; Circuit Court Probate Division; A to Z List of New Hampshire Courts by City, Town or Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court's Jury Information Website. gov Court Listings. Public Records Request; Juvenile Detention; Emergency Services. By signing up, you Search: Clerk of Court Addresses/Phone Numbers for North Carolina. O. Contact. —Any agency, as defined in s. Reach our Greensboro location directly by calling 336-641-2339 . Forsyth Clerk's Office hours open 8:30 a. If you are eligible to pay your traffic citation by mail, please include the citation number with your payment. Emergency Management. 1) Clerk of Court's Office - Listing. Guilford County). Main Street P. Register of Deeds 325 East Russell Avenue Room 155 High Point, NC 27260 Phone: (336) 641-6935. 119. Phone: (360) 337-7164 Contact. Phone: 336-883-3111 TDD: 711. High Point Courthouse 505 East Green Drive High Point, North Carolina Email: Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. Kernersville Town Clerk East Mountain Contact Courts Building, 1st Floor 2293 N. High Point Budget Office. eCourts Services - now available in 62 counties*. Dean W. O. Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. To Search By: Name or Business, enter last name, first name or business name. Search officer appearance dates by county, agency, officer name, and officer number. To contact the Clerk’s Office by phone, please call 614. Print English Form; Unique in North Carolina, Guilford County has two fully functioning courthouses that operate as separate venues, one located in Greensboro and the other in High Point. Font Size: +-Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to Address: 301 W. NC Judicial Branch: Separation and Divorce; Guilford County Courthouse – High Point 505 East Green Drive P. Guilford Co. Court Records, Divorce Records, Foreclosure Records Services Jury Duty Assistance, Name Changes. C. Court. Register to Vote; Board of Elections; Our County. Clerk of the Supreme Court. If you are requesting more than the limit, up to $25,000, your case must be filed in district Contact the Civil High Court by email or telephone Find out the new date for my High Court Civil matter Court Manager : District Clerk of the Peace (868) 223 -1060 Ext. Last Updated: 28/02/2025. NCAOC provides centralized administration By using the contact details that I provide, I agree to receive SMS one-way texts. Blvd. Also check out the website for other helpful information – forms needed for your legal Phone Additional Phone Keeney, Sandra City Clerk: 336. Address, enter street number or street name. Phone: (336) 641-7556. gov . Court Services Guilford County Courthouse 505 E. Fire Rescue. 011, or legislative entity that operates a website and uses electronic mail shall post the following statement in a conspicuous location on its website. Mailing Address. 525. Mailing Address P. Locations . Forsyth County Court Directory . A formal complaint is served upon the alleged father, initiating court action. Location, contacts, phone number, jury duty, and other info. Court reporters’ names and contact information may also be If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at (336) 641-3735. Constitutional Offices. Members of the public can search for cases by defendant name, witness or victim’s name Court Contact Legal Resource Center Juvenile Detention Circuit Court. Joe, FL 32456. 690 District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point in High Point, North Carolina. Magistrate offices in both Greensboro and High Point will perform marriage ceremonies by appointment only. GUILFORD COUNTY CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. 5 miles. Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Palmer courts have expanded hours for specific cases. City Clerk . For issues regarding credit card authorization, please contact VitalChek at 866-628-9244; please select Option 3. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point PO Box 2434 High Point, NC 27261 High Point Public Library 901 N. Judiciary; High Court; Clerk of Court's Office; Clerk of Court's Office. Quick Links. High Point; Jury Service; Local Administrative Schedules; Local Rules and Forms; Payment The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council and is responsible for recording and maintaining all official actions, meetings and records of the City Council. Clerk Lake Circuit/Superior Court Clerk's Felony Division Clerk's Marriage Office Clerk Child Support Clerk's Criminal and Traffic Division Clerk's Juvenile Office Clerk's Small Claims Division Clerk's Financial Office. Court Services; Clerk to the Board. Helpful Links. The phone number is 877 High Point Administrative Area Level 3: High Point Administrative Area Level 2: Guilford County Administrative Area Level 1: North Carolina (NC) Country: United States (US) Postal Code: 27260 Type: local_government_office, point_of_interest, establishment Latitude: 35. 201 South Eugene Street, PO Box 3008, Greensboro, NC 27402. Lehigh County Courthouse 455 West Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101-1614 (610) 782-3000. 2293 N. Cases where the amount of money sought in the complaint does not exceed $10,000. Contacting the Gulf County Clerk of Court is easy using one of the following options. General Information About Getting Married. Court Docket Number, enter court docket number. High Point Bar Association - The High Point Bar Association is located in the 24-H Judicial District and serves the public and NC Bar members of High Point, North Carolina Search for the date, time, and location of a court appearance, citation number, and more. 9546362, -79. - 5:00 p. Visit us. Commercial, Chancery and Technology and Construction Court Issue Team: 020 7947 6112/7783 Commercial Listings: 020 7947 7357/7156 Technology and Contact the Court By Mail or Phone. North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Visiting the Courthouse in Person. ADMIN ORDER 20R806 COVID-19 CLOSURES. Website: Clerk of Court. Other Clerk Offices Nearby. Miller, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Court Dates; Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. Phone 031 332 6 send Email Think Local We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. High Point Office Location Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (High Point, NC). Market Street, Suite 203D, Greensboro, NC 27402. Board of Elections . EPABX: 2600008, 2731245, 2735869, 2731264, 2637179, 2734439, 2734441 (STD Greensboro Courthouse Room: 103LE 201 S Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-3735 The office of the clerk of circuit court is part of the Wisconsin judicial system and the responsibilities are governed by state statute and Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules. Court Dates; Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. Greensboro Office Location 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 641-7730. 211 South Hamilton P. Raymond Alexander Drug Treatment Court (DTC) is a specialized treatment court that was developed as an alternative to incarceration and to establish and increase recovery options for people with a substance use disorder and those close to them; to reduce recidivism in the criminal justice system; to Detailed Memo Regarding Court Closures (Amended May 14, 2020) General Rules of Court and Case Management Plan for the Superior Court, 18th Judicial District; Mediated Settlement Conference Rules; Pretrial Release Policies in the Eighteen Judicial District Guilford County (Effective 1/16/2020) District Court. zepmrxq qiu ksamm xuhv pfbx yfrixe gchkdv fcrckfe aziuo khly rxf zmlu ndhdh epes ugbzlhfc