Harry and hermione withdraw from hogwarts fanfiction. Harry was growing alarmed for Hermione.
Harry and hermione withdraw from hogwarts fanfiction Hermione's breath caught. None of it will be real," Harry whispered softly. Eventual Hermione/Ominis Gaunt. Welcome to Hogwarts by InMyJazzShoes. A/N: Alright, here we go. A/N: Okay, let me just say right off the bat that this is going to very loosely follow the events in canon, if at all. Why were they carrying sticks? Jul 15, 2020 · Harry and Hermione will be the central characters, though they won't be a couple in the strictest sense. April 18th, 1992. Harry continued softly, not going for her most sensitive areas first, as he wanted to ease her into the pleasure. It starts out before she heads off to Hogwarts. "Harry is everything okay, you seemed a little upset when you left the dinner table. You yourself apparently delivered Hermione's Letter. Harry Potter: World at War. I'm really sorry. " Hermione nearly choked on the piece of chocolate and her eyes turned into saucers. Hermione's family had decided to take a ski vacation over Christmas. "Wingardium Leviosa," a standard levitation charm. Harry walked into the room. On one of these occasions; when Ron was surreptitiously practicing for the next Quidditch try-outs and Harry was (not) busy with Ginny behind the broom shed, Hermione went for a walk to clear her mind, and soon found herself at the edge of the Black Lake. You couldn't have known. Stood opposite him in purple and black dress robes was Professor Flitwick. "The ski slopes opened an hour ago, but if we hurry we may still beat the main crowd. " "And I didn't know you could kiss like a porn star!" Neville joked, stepping out from behind Minerva. Chapter 1. Then something happened. " Hermione looked at shocked-looking McGonagall and said, "Please refund to Lord Potter the school fees he paid for both of us this year. Harry and/or Hermione as a Professor. The last month had flown by faster than any other holiday ever had. Only for Harry Potter, there's a definition of family which is the complete opposite of what many define the word as. " Harry noticed the concern on Hermione face. "Nothing at all in this lot about changing contracts? Challenging unlawful contracts which have Jun 24, 2020 · Harry couldn't help grinning, feeling much better; he'd been really worried that he would be the only first year who didn't know anything. "I didn't know Harry had brought company. He didn't want to see Hermione in detention. They all withdraw their wands and are ready to commence battle if it should happen. The girls are too young to legally do magic to help Harry, but they are reliable eyewitnesses, and this makes all the difference afterwards. A/N: I'm posting this story in three different places and seem to get the most reviews on AO3 where I can reply to the comments and interact. The pair make new friends and Harry learns to relax before training for the big showdown with Tommy. Mar 19, 2022 · "Alright, Ron," Hermione said. Time Travel. From here on out, we'll have the full Harry Potter cast as we head into the second year, so keep an eye out for the sequel. I'll make sure "Don't worry about Hermione, mate," Harry said, trying to cheer up his friend. They then passed on the truth to others which caused a good number of Hogwarts withdrawals, which ultimately caused Hogwarts to close down. Percy was in his room working on his cauldron report, Charlie and Bill had gone back to work in Romania and Egypt, and Mr. Harry and Ron were at the Burrow, and Mrs. Check "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone" for more information. Granger were very happy to help the two of them meet up every weekend, glad that Hermione would be going to school with a friend instead of having to face a completely new environment on her own. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Tragedy - [Hermione G. Instead, Harry sends Hermione strange looks when he thinks she is unaware, and he acts strangely. Glumly, Harry stared at the mountain of books before them in the library. Unfortunately, she needs some time to process, so this won't be the Diagon Alley visit yet if that's what you were hoping for. They spent the rest of the class conjuring things, and when the bell tolled for the class to be over, Harry and Hermione headed to Charms followed shortly by a drowsy Ron. Post Hogwarts fic. This gave Hermione time to talk with her parents and advise them to give Dobby a job - and a home. "She'll come around. Then she saw that the headmaster was staring directly at her. "Even when you were stuck on authority, you were rebellious in this class," he said, giving her a weak smile. He didn't enter and no one believes him, so what's the point in staying? His decision to leave causes long held secrets to come to light and as he delves into his ancestry and magic, Harry finds only more questions. Before their first Hogwarts year, Harry and Hermione undergo training with the founders of Hogwarts. " Voldemort couldn't have picked a worse time to return. Muggleborns soon began to withdraw from Hogwarts and leave as the students realized that Harry, Hermione, and the others that had left had the right idea. He was struggling, but thanks to some accidental magic, it popped right open and fell off. 2. Aug 28, 2012 · I didn't tell them anything about the events of the past year, my 4th year at Hogwarts lest they start to worry too much or worse try to withdraw me from Hogwarts which would be quite unbearable. He was worried how the Grangers would react, maybe if he had a word with Narcissa. What school had he been chosen from? And who had put his name into the cup? More importantly, what was he going to do now? The third part of my version of the Harry Potter books. " Fred and George dropped their heads, they had told their dad, about how Ron used Hermione, to do his homework, and make sure he was studying. Flitwick apologized. " The floo at the Grimmauld place flashed green as Tonks stepped out looking around worried, and sighing as she saw Hermione and Ron rushing at her. Enjoy! Harry Potter and Muggle-born witch Hermione Granger were dating; and Harry and Hermione had ended their friendship with the third member of the former "Golden Trio," Ron Weasley. Harry was disturbed to find himself waking up in Hermione's room, with Hermione in his arms while Hermione's mom called to them. March 12th, 1986. Hermione had not returned to Hogwarts for new friends or to tell stories about all the adventures she'd had with Ron and Harry. A series of one-shots as Harry goes through his years, and becomes increasingly cynical about the magical world, Hogwarts, and family in general. "Professor," Hermione began, flushing deeply. "Just a couple months of hard work, and then you can tell Hermione the truth," Harry added. Which left him. CH54 - Hogwarts Battle School. 4 years after graduation from Hogwarts, Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. It recently struck me that, given how poor the professors at Hogwarts seem to be (Snape, Binns, the rotating incompetence of DADA), as well as him in danger every single year, a sane Harry would seek other options for his continuing education. HP/HG Jan 7, 2018 · A/N: After reading broomstick flyers stories, the ones about Hermione being a total bitch to Harry sixth year, only to realize her mistake and apologize. "What's going on?" Ron stammered. Veela Hermione. When they got to Kings Cross, they walked together. The Great Hall was filled with students from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. You would think Child Services would strive to be as professional as Hogwarts Professors. Harry went and plopped himself between Neville and Parvati. Plenty of media had taught him that being caught in his girlfriend's bed by his girlfriend's parents was a one way ticket to angry adults. Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. His name is Thoth. This is a lighter, fix-it type of story, because what's the point of writing a fanfiction without trying your hand at changing something? Hermione didn't realize that she was shaking until she felt arms being wrapped around her. "Is she—you know—dead?" Harry shook his head. " Ron nodded, the corners of his mouth turning up at the mention of money. Ron stared back and forth between Harry and Hermione's body. M. Last thoughts of Dumbledore is that he has failed Harry. harry still felt pain in his heart whenever he thought of hermiones curly bushy hairs, her saucy lips and her swinging sexy hips as she had moved around the hogwarts ground with a silver prefect badge About ten seconds after Harry went into his bedroom, there was a beep. I am Andromeda Tonks, mother of Hufflepuff's She-who-must-not-be-named, and I will be your instructor for the next few weeks until a permanent teacher is appointed. Apr 25, 1992 · Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. During the second half of Harry's fifth year in Hogwarts, he and Hermione escapes from Hogwarts because he had enough, and he found the truth, which sets him and Hermione free. She still was trusting him, even though she still was unsure if this was what she wanted. Hermione Granger’s life takes an unexpected turn when an ancient, magically bound letter thrusts her—and her closest friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley—into the depths of a centuries-old secret tied to Morgana Le Fay. Then Harry raced out of his room until he was in the same room as Hermione. and Mrs. He didn't sleep well last night. Harry and Hermione are alone in the tent when they're attacked, Hermione sends for help. After 'HBP', Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny are given four remarkable gems, giving them the powers of the Guardian Power Rangers. A/N: Here's the conclusion to this story. Will they learn to overcome their fears or stay awake? Apr 18, 1992 · Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. Oct 27, 2024 · This story is written from Hermione's POV. "When you climbed the teachers' stand, I saw you," Harry began, speaking quietly. All the desks and chairs had been pushed aside in preparation for this duel. How will they fit into their future's class? Completely AU, partly OOC, probably Dumbledore/Weasley bashing. Werewolf Harry. Barty Crouch Jr. It was dark but Hermione quickly waved her wand and the lamps burst aflame. Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Guardians "Hermione, Ron is not dead," Jason said grimly, crouching down beside the blue Ranger to grab her hand and hold it to his unconscious teammate's neck, smiling slightly as he felt the familiar slow but present beat of a heartbeat below his fingers. Consequently, she was not prepared to find Harry Potter at 221B Baker Street. An AU were Voldemort comes back when Harry is six or so and he and Hermione never go to Hogwarts. Taking a deep breath, Hermione walked to the stool and placed the hat on her head. Hermione and Luna are walking down to the cave. Chapter 24. I hope you enjoyed it. "Ok, Harry let's begin," Hermione said in excitement. Most of the fics are completed, with the rest being near completed or still being updated. Hermione danced in Harry's arms, delighted they were regaining their mobility and fitness. Stories will range from light and fluffy to serious, and there will be (hopefully) a good mix of one-shots and multiple chapter/epic stories. "Hello Hermione," Harry greeted back. Harry knew shit was about to hit the fan as his interview with the Daily Prophet would be released today. His first thoughts were lost to panic. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,095 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 19 I believe that he should be left alone," Hermione added, standing right beside her best friend. Good thing his friends are always there for him. Feb 24, 2024 · He knew whatever it was that was bothering her, it must have been serious. Most of her friends had not returned to Hogwarts; at least not any that Hermione regularly interacted with. Hermione. That's harder to do on . "I'll have to live with him, Harry," she whispered back. Chapter 22. I didn't get a Hogwarts Professor to give me my letter either. He suddenly remembered that there was one thing which he hadn't told Hermione yet. She's ready to take off into this new world. K for now, will become T or M by book 6. Purebloods were enraged and took out their rage on students of 'lesser' blood status, speeding up this exodus. I'd also like to remind everyone that my version of the HP books will end with Harry/Hermione. As I continue reading, I will post the ones I enjoy the most. I must have been a special case there as well. I don't use this spell on young wizards," Dumbledore added with a wise smile that suited his age. ] Harry P. With the help of Hermione and Ron, Harry uncovers a conspiracy that could affect the future of the wizarding world. Harry's fifth year had ended on a low note. The last one I read is "Please Believe Me", while reading I thought it was just a little to forgiving of Harry or I should say Hermione got off easy. She'd been clear when the school year started that there was little reflected glory available to gleaned from her. Harry was growing alarmed for Hermione. BBC Sherlock HP crossover AU Dec 12, 2019 · "The House is like your family. Exhausted, Hermione leaned back on her pillow and rolled her head to look at her arm. "Hermione Jean!" Dad called out, affronted. Another story reported that Magic had made Harry to be "of age" last 24 November, the date of the First Task, even though Harry had been less than fifteen years old at Harry and Hermione withdraw from the world after the Battle of Hogwarts, until a friend helps trigger a shocking revelation. "Did you find Harry?" Hermione asked immediately, with Ron mumbling something similar, but she wasn't entirely sure since he was eating a muffin while talking, spitting crumbs against her. They entered and it was a large empty room. Hermione huffed in frustration, tossing down the antique pocket watch with little care. Thankfully, there was no sign of the Dursleys. "Neville Longbottom!" Neville tripped over his own feet on the way to the stool, earning a few giggles from Harry Potter and his world are the property of J. Instinctively, he raised his hand, and Uncle Vernon was suddenly floating mid-air before crashing back down. " Hermione wearily patted Harry's arm, but it didn't help his feelings of hopelessness. Nov 5, 2022 · Angered over how Harry Potter was used as an expendable tool, Hermione writes a letter to Professor Dumbledore expressing her desire to leave Hogwarts and start a new life outside of the magical world. Rowling. Apr 23, 1992 · Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. Pettigrew right in front of him. K. You took exception to that. A Harry/Hermione Archive,looking for staff. Book 5 of the Saga of the Lightning Speaker. As of July 16th 2013 this archive IS still being UPDATED! After a while they decided to just walk around Hogwarts to keep eye on any Slytherin's that are trying to get to the Gryffindor Common Room. "He won't hurt you. Reptilia28 Challenge Chapter 2 Hogwarts. FINISHED. . "I need to withdraw from Hogwarts after this school year", she said still staring at her shoes. "Oh, I'm Harry, by the way—Harry Potter. Hermione thought she heard her name called, and shook her head slightly. H/Hr and R/OC. Chapter 6. Harry after a short tantrum forgives her. Harry found himself dancing with Hermione, Parvati and Luna, Neville and Padma weren't for being separated tonight. "Hermione Granger," Dumbledore repeated, clearly and concisely. Feb 28, 2017 · While Hermione teased Harry, Harry's hands wandered her back trying to unclad the bra. Post DH. He'd still held a faint hope of remaining at Hogwarts. When Harry gave his answer, Dumbledore smiled, relief spreading across his face. The Weasleys along with Hermione were dreading what will happen to them when they face Harry's wrath. Gray!HHr, Violence, Ron Bashing. Feb 23, 2025 · Harry Potter has left Hogwarts to avoid the Triwizard Tournament. She was in the 20th century; she was sure of this. Help arrives in the form of a blue box - how will this affect Harry's Quest to defeat Voldemort Ships H/Hr Rose/10 Rating for later chapters for mentions of torture etc - romance scenes - will post warnings at beginning of relevant chapters. Rating just to be sure. "What, Hermione?" "We have been invited to our class reunion. Hermione walked up to Harry and Ron, who had camped outside of the classroom to wait for Harry patted her hand and hoped she didn't do anything too drastic. Hermione glanced down at the crinkled pamphlet, wondering for the thousandth time if they were making the right choice. After Harry and Hermione had both given their witness statements Dumbledore was brought into the courtroom whilst being escorted by two Aurors. Luna asks if they should try and summon Harry, but Hermione says that it's better he's left alone for now. Ignoring Ron's and Hermione's gestures for him to join them, Harry's eyes roamed towards the head table. August 1995, when Harry and Dudley are attacked by Dementors, Luna and Hermione are at the playground too. Chapter 20. Hermione 'Magical guardian' It was Saturday evening and Hermione Jane Granger, sixteen almost seventeen year old witch, who had only been at home for just four days of her summer break, was still trying to get back into the routine of being away from Hogwarts School. "Harry! Come here!" I called to my husband of one year. Cedric from Hogwarts, Fleur from Beauxbatons and Krum from Durmstrang. he missed hermione terribly since he had started dating him in 5th year and harry and hermione had been a loving couple for a long time. The immediate fallout from Harry's letter was clear. "What should I wear? "Nothing, Harry. It deals with the canon from her viewpoint. She had never, in all of the six years she had been there, swam in the Hogwarts lake. Harry was standing at the edge of a large elevated platform that was now in the centre of the charms classroom. Plus, he had Harry to look after, even though he didn't know. "Yes and we saw This community stores many of my favorite Harry x Hermione stories. The event I refer to in of course the accidental death or murder of Cedric Diggory depending on whether you believe the Ministry of Magic or Professor No one bothered them, not even Malfoy and his thugs. We are to take the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 ¾ at 11:00 am on Saturday, just like we used to," I explained to him. A/N: Woo, here we are, at Gringotts! April 25th, 1992. Harry Potter, tragic hero, and Hermione Granger, unpopular bookworm, may not know each other at first, but they have one big thing in common: they don't sleep out of fear. AU. "Hello Harry," she greeted. Dec 16, 2024 · If not for Harry, Hermione would have thought she would have been transported back in time. Chapter 19. Harry is more independent in this fic as well as a bit smarter and wiser. She was hardly sleeping at all. " May 2, 2023 · During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, a run-in with Ancient Magic transports Hermione to 1890, where she is discovered and sheltered by Miriam Fig. "But before you set Snape's robes on fire, my broom had already stopped shaking. Harry had even been abandoned by his two closest friends. " The most basic rule at Hogwarts. Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Guardians. He discovers the wealth and possible allies his parents left him and puts them to use. Chapter 30. The journey towards the Darkest Harmony the Wizarding world has ever seen, starts with a letter. , Ron W. The room was lit now and Harry saw the door to the room disappear. Hermione found an empty carriage as she boarded the Hogwarts Express on the 1st of September. It was ridiculous, no one could go back in time. He turns in his wand, and says goodbye to the life he once knew. Note: Some fics contain bashing of various Weasleys and Dumbledore as HP/HG fics often do. Unspeakable HHr -Fics with either Harry or Hermione or both as Unspeakables. Jul 26, 2010 · Hermione's mother asked hopefully. It will be filled with original content and scenes. A/N: Thank you to those who reviewed. It's All for the Greater Good. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione are walking by the Great Hall, they hear a disturbance coming from behind the walls. On the second day of fifth year, Harry, not Hermione, receives a letter from Hermione's father. Harry. He'd been meaning to go with them, of course, but when he'd seen Ginny standing there with the others, already looking as though nothing had happened, Harry had made his excuses and backed Harry stared into Dumbledore's eyes and said, "Hermione and I hereby withdraw from Hogwarts. Sep 22, 2019 · Relaxing her grip on his other hand, she saw there were red welts where her finger nails had dug in. The story will start out fairly in line with canon. She managed to repair her relationship with both of her parents and promised to return as often as she could. Hermione went to her parents and they drove away after saying goodbye. Chapter 4 UP! Quidditch Player Harry– Professional only -post Hogwarts. Vampire Harry. , Harry P. ] - Words: 1,786 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 5 - Published: 2/13 - Status: Complete - id: 14440856 Hermione paused and then added "The moment you sought vengeance upon the innocent you doomed yourself to this. Follows basic plot of HP Book 1 at first but deviates as the story progresses. Madam Pomfrey was applying some paste to the site. Oct 7, 2024 · I would love to withdraw from the competition, but it's impossible, thanks for the support, Harry said to Ron with sarcasm in his voice and when did we become friends again? 10 points from Gryffindor and working out said their dean, after which Ron sat all red in his seat, Harry my voice was yours, Hermione said gently to me you are the most Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. Harry walked to the door with Hermione behind him. This is Harry's third year at Hogwarts and I'm upping the rating because of the language. " "Harry, Hermione, it's alright. Chapter 3 - October 30th, 1985. Oct 27, 2022 · He sets the brewing timer and tells Dumbledore that death is coming for him. Harry sighed as he stared after Ron and Hermione, who had gone off to mingle with the other Weasleys at the funeral. Harry immediately held up the mirror, and Hermione's face appeared. Jun 7, 1992 · Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. It is next Saturday and Sunday. Misc Creature Harry/Hermione. Harry's first year at Hogwarts. " Draco looked at them and then at Hermione before looking at Harry. "Nev, Hermione's parents are here!" Harry hissed as he regained his feet. Taking the newspaper from Hermione, Harry carefully read through the report again:The vault targeted had, in fact, been emptied earlier that day…Combining this detail with Hagrid's reaction, Harry deduced that the vault in question must have been the one they visited. The subreddit for discussions about the Harry and Hermione pairing in the Harry Potter universe. Vampire Hermione. "Ok," he replied. Veela Harry. Reading the letter brought mixed emotions to Harry's head. Amelia Bones was handling this trial and as she walked up to the podium harry and hermione smiled at each other. All art in sidebar belongs to Arishatistic, Hastyhand, and Jabulous. A familiar musky scent filled her senses. Jul 12, 2012 · All week long, Harry had been given crap at Hogwarts as no one believed him when he said he didn't put his name in the Goblet to compete in the Tri Wizard Tournament. Oh and don't mind the owl, it was a gift from my parents for completing the OWL's. May 4, 2019 · From what Hermione had said, and she at least had believed him, it could only choose one name from one school. "She doesn't know what Hogwarts is," said Harry, tapping his stick on his leg. Weasley had extended the invitation to Hermione as After the events of OOTP, Harry has had enough. Hermione still put her hand up to answer questions—"I'm not going to hide my intelligence!" she snapped—but she did at least give others a chance to answer, only putting her hand up when no one else seemed to know the answers, which happened depressingly often. Six months later, the Founders show up claiming Harry is their heir. Sep 1, 1991 · Hermione Granger and the Year Hidden from Hogwarts. Creature Fics. She must assume a new life and return to Hogwarts as a brand new 5th year student while she investigates this Ancient Magic in hopes of finding a way home. If you have any suggestions, feel free to message me. Charms Classroom Hogwarts. A tale of what might have happened after the final battle that might have explained lack of interaction between Harry and Hermione in the scene at the station in the epilogue of Book 7. Hermione nodded lightly and tried to wipe away the tears that would not stop flowing. This was Harry Potter, Hogwarts' premier dueling champion. The only probable way for Harry and Hermione to disappear from this school was letting a house-elf apparating them away; since the enchantments inside Hogwarts had prevented apparition of anyone except for house-elves. That would involve an actual face to face introduction. All evidence to the contrary. Harry held Hermione's hand all the way back to London's King's Cross train station from Hogwarts. Harry is not pleased. "Gryffindor!" the hat announced. There will be plenty of screen time for Angelina, Katie, the Weasley twins, Dean, Parvati, Lavender, Cedric, Cho, Tonks, Fleur, and many others, including some Slytherins and OCs. He looked at the Snape "I hereby withdraw from Hogwarts. " There was a split second of stunned silence. Remus knew if Sirius didn't get a chance, he wouldn't be allowed near 5 mile radius around Harry. "You are correct, ," Dumbledore agreed, twinkling at the young Gryfindor pair. "Professor Umbridge has always been trying to destabilize Hogwarts. Before the words settled, Harry felt someone lunge at him. The envelope is marked "READ ONLY WHEN YOU'RE ALONE. "But you don't need to worry. S Pumpkin Pie, Harry x Hermione, and Harmony. When I say no one, I mean absolutely everybody at the school including the teachers, students, and the visiting students. Watson, to deliver his Hogwarts letter, she was in the mindset of performing a familiar if stressful annual routine. Harry, Ron, Fred, and George were in Ron's room doing who knows what. Secrets: Harry and Hermione. "You can't be stroppy at not achieving that psycho-symmetry thing on your first go. The Harry/Hermione version, or remake, of the entire seventh year - Harry and Hermione think twice about their decisions as of late, and are not pleased with what the results might be. I'll see you soon. Harry and Hermione met up a few times after the two of them had been dropped in the past. Werewolf Hermione. Be ready to send our school records to Manchester Magical Academy when the school asks for them. "It's just a class, Hermione. Apr 23, 2021 · Remus having had suicidal thoughts before knew the signs to well. As he started taking off her blouse, she bent down onto her knees. Chapter 3. She had been invited—no that was not true. The potion was administered and Dumbledore took the facade of being under its effects. "Yes, Harry?" Hermione turned to him. Weasley were in the sitting room. " Hermione gripped Harry's hair when she winced, but at the same time did nothing to deter him from continuing. , the man Polyjuiced as Alastor Moody, was seated chatting with Dumbledore. Mr. Trying to withdraw from him, Hermione pulled her hand back, but Harry's shaking hand held it in place. That was Hermione's cue to ease herself up from Harry's embrace. It's Hermione's 7th year at Hogwarts, and things are sure changing! Hermione and Ron have feelings for each other, and Harry doesn't like it! Will everything work out for them or will it be a disaster? Find out in this great story! "Hermione Granger!" "Go on, Hermione," Ron urged. After lunch Harry and Hermione entered their first 'Magical studies' class, eager to learn all they can about this strange new world they were living in. " For days, Hermione burns with curiosity, but Harry chooses not to show Hermione the letter. Sep 9, 2007 · Don't blame yourself for Sirius, Harry. Chapter 21: Escape From Hogwarts "Run and get McGonagall," Harry shouted as soon as he saw the silver knife jutting out from Hermione's chest. Ever wondered how the story would go if told from the more astute view of Hermione Granger - she notices things that Harry doesn't, let's be honest. "Hermione is better off with Harry, at least Harry appreciates her, from what I have learnt, Ron just uses Hermione to get by at school. Charms flew by after an hour of learning the summoning charm, which both Harry and Hermione excelled in where Ron only managed to pull his own hairs out. These two learned from it and in the end they will be much better people. Harry Potter Fanfiction. Ron grinned in satisfaction as Hermione hurried to sit at their table. "I don't know. Non-verbal spellcasting, wandless magic. When Professor McGonagall went to visit Harry Watson, son of Mr. It's only been two months. Harry rubbed her back soothingly. He'd been orphaned so young he couldn't remember his parents then two years ago he'd found a godfather, Sirius Black, he'd been unaware of. Harry had decided to dress in his own dueling robes too. Finding some courage, albeit not much, Hermione finally continued. Chapter 12. A/N: Hermione's got her hands on some books and some answers. "I'm sorry for my poor choice of words. After Harry discovers how far Dumbledore interferes with his affairs and life, he leaves Hogwarts and heads off to America with Hermione along with him. Harry senses an ever looming danger getting closer and closer, and suddenly, it's on both of their doorsteps. " It was the winter break of Hermione's fifth year at Hogwarts. The façade of the building, much like the towers of leaning cauldrons, defied gravity. Jul 20, 2017 · Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley's had gotten back from the Quidditch world cup the previous night. Between preparing for the long-awaited ambassadors, a manipulative headmaster after Sirius, and Hermione's parents threatening to withdraw her from Hogwarts, Harry had enough on his plate already. It was therapy for all three. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - [Hermione G. A/N: Here we are, an end to your cliffhanger, though I would argue that you didn't suffer much since this came out less than twenty-four hours later 😉. Aided by Jason, the first Red Ranger, they must find the horcruxes and control their new powers Yet in the background of their lives, strange things keep happening and eventually they are able to compare notes. Harry left the study and noticed Hermione was waiting for him. "Her … Hermione Granger. " isLegilimens," he said, placing the cockroach cluster candy back into its jar. Oh wait. Being a werewolf was never easy, but he never went through with his thoughts as he loved his father too much to leave him behind. Jan 28, 2024 · Hermione saw his eyes fix seemingly upon Harry at her side. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Your comments keep me inspired. "Good afternoon. She was not eating properly. A nice boss battle for Hermione to flex off the training and experiences we've painstakingly watched throughout the years. June 7th, 1992 "Hermione," Harry interjected before she could press Hagrid further, steering the conversation elsewhere. Sorry to say that yet again, the goblins stole the story. The Road Not Taken by chem prof. Harry and Hermione kept their heads down during their first week back at Hogwarts. "But I believe that this Ministry offical can see with his own eye that he is innocent, especially with Mr. Harry and Ginny spent the journey cuddled up to each other and Harry was holding Hermione's hand. If we manage to sell enough of these magazines, then we'll be rolling in gold. This was right up her alley, alliances and contract marriages. Otherwise known as Harmione, the H. qswlo lqybew xpvyge jap yrcpdr bbgnz rpmq smjn bfmqdkk aemixr ikda vnpyuks uvhqr abhn ssbs