Hong kong writ search. Please enable it to continue.

Hong kong writ search. The information on this web page is for private use only.

Hong kong writ search The Mutual Service of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Proceedings between the Mainland and Hong Kong Courts (Arrangement) provides an official channel for Hong Kong to make requests to the Mainland for service of judicial Writ of Summons in Seahawk China Dynamic Fund v. It will depend upon the nature of the claim, as well as its value. Dec 3, 2019 · The foreign judgment was not contrary to Hong Kong rules of public policy or notions of natural justice; The foreign court had jurisdiction over the defendant according to Hong Kong rules; and; An action in Hong Kong based on a foreign judgment must be brought within 12 years from the date on which the foreign judgment became enforceable. See full list on doj. Jan 13, 2023 · As we reported in our previous alert, the Hong Kong court recently upheld an arbitration clause under Hong Kong law notwithstanding the nomination of a non-existent arbitration institution. The Hong Kong Court of First Instance can exercise its jurisdiction to assist in the enforcement of any judgment or award. Mar 7, 2025 · A non-party may only conduct the search and inspection of the copy of any Writ of Summons or other originating processes in accordance with the relevant legislation (e. al overview of Hong Kong's civil litigation process so prospective litigants can be more informed before commencing proceedings. A maximum of 5 searches can be made in each submission (except for Batch Compulsory Winding-up Search). 2. Or if you know the area, but not the exact district, you may select the appropriate area and then select "All" in District field. g. Hong Kong Judiciary Annual Report: Web: Free: Judiciary Website: 2. Nov 14, 2023 · Before the CFA hearing, the CFA directed the parties to make submissions on whether leave was in fact necessary in the circumstances because under Order 11, rule 1(2) of the RHC, if a legislative provision already confers the CFI with jurisdiction in respect of a claim over a defendant outside of Hong Kong or in respect of a wrongful act We may perform the information search of a corporation/ person in the records of the Business Registers in Hong Kong. Tanner De Witt was established in 1999 and now has a team of up to 100, including more than 50 Hong Kong lawyers. Jun 16, 2020 · Action Deadline; a: Defendant to acknowledge service of the writ: Within 14 days from the service of the writ: b: Defendant to file and serve a defence (and counterclaim, if any) d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) of Hong Kong and respective jurisdiction(s). Writ of Summons in Chint Electrics (Hong Kong) Limited, of Hong Kong, "suing on behalf of itself and all shareholders in the first defendant, other than the third and fifth defendants and their associates" v. For the Small Claims Tribunal, the fees vary from HKD20 to HKD120, depending on the claim value. A court in a place outside Hong Kong has given a judgment on the same cause of action between the same parties, and the judgment has already been recognized or enforced by a court in Hong Kong. Based in Hong Kong–not the USA or the UK–Hong Kong Process Serve (HKPS)–part of the Veriton Asia Group–can guarantee quicker turnaround times and more cost-effective rates than international process serve brokers. This web page is for the enquiry of current and next hearing date at all levels of courts. In addition, the new requirement for companies to ascertain and maintain up-to-date information on beneficial ownership by way of keeping a Significant Controllers Register was Mar 18, 2024 · e. Coroners’ Report Dec 6, 2024 · Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. Under what circumstances can the police stop and question me in a public place? Must I answer their questions? 2. How do I start a civil action by issuing an originating summons? 11. The judge provided a helpful summary and guidance on the general principles for obtaining leave to serve out of the jurisdiction and the principles related to the Home Hong Kong Business Search . hung@rpc. Our directory provides the information you need to network with businesses operating in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Press Releases & Other Information. In Hong Kong, a writ once issued remains valid for service for one year including the day of issue (effectively, 364 days copy of the *Death Certificate/*a court sealed copy of the Court Order(s) granted by Hong Kong Court(s). outside Hong Kong from those performed in Hong Kong and therefore the arrangement could not be attacked by the general anti-avoidance provision Section 61A. Writ of summons is the appropriate mode by which to commence a personal injury action. In Hong Kong, a writ once issued remains valid for service for one year including the day of issue (effectively, 364 days), during which it should be served on the defendant. f. Extracts of records include the name of directors and the addresses, the name of shareholders and the addresses, the name of secretary(ies) and the address(es), the registered office, the share capital structure, charges information, winding up order, deregistration etc Legal search, litigation check, litigation record, civil check, case record search. m. Criminal Extract search, a search for the record in relation to an identified person (or corporate body in some case) for a period of 7 years in Hong Kong (High Court, District Courts & Magistrates 查詢一經提交,即表示你已細讀以下重要通知並了解及同意其内容。 本網頁旨在協助法庭程序的各方取得關於他們聆訊日期的 Oct 22, 2019 · The next generation search tool for finding the right lawyer for you. Oct 22, 2019 · The commencement of an action by the issue of a writ stops the limitation (time bar) period, during which a cause of action should be commenced. 1) Oct 29, 2024 · Even if it were not, the parties’ clear intention to arbitrate in Hong Kong was sufficient for a valid and operable arbitration agreement which could be performed in Hong Kong, with applications being made if necessary to the HKIAC under the Arbitration Ordinance to (for example) decide the number of, and appoint, arbitrators. At the time of writing, also see an application for permission to appeal, due to be heard on 14 November 2019. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS HONG KONG OFFICE. China Medical Technologies Inc v Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) of Hong Kong and respective jurisdiction(s). Civil Extract search, a search for the record in relation to an identified person [a natural person or a corporaton] for a period of 7 years in Hong Kong (High Court, District Courts [Cases in HCA, HCMP, DCCJ, DCMP]), and for a period of available year of records in P. Further, the prescribed Form 16C should accompany your writ. 此搜尋結果所載的審訊案件表只供參考用途, 有關資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 查詢請聯絡各法院登記處。 Nov 13, 2006 · NOTE: In order to reinforce supervisory system of combating money laundering and the financing of terrorists in Hong Kong, the companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 passed by the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, stipulated that: A company incorporated in Hong Kong to obtain and maintain up-to-date beneficial The right of appeal is an important part of Hong Kong's legal system, for it allows a higher court to review the judgment of a lower court. Hong Kong Process Servers is a venture of Greves Group to provide the Process Service in Hong Kong and all its parts of Hong Kong. A. hk 本網頁提供各級法院現時及下一個聆訊日期資料。 此網頁所載的資料因時有更改,所以只供參考。 最新的資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 如有查詢, 請聯絡 各法院登記處。 審訊案件表會於前一個工作天下午六時三十分前上載於這網站。 “審訊案件表”是用以向公眾人士提供法庭聆訊日期、時間及相關的資料。 此外,“審訊案件表”亦用以協助法庭使用者(包括證人及被告人親友等)得悉應往哪一個法庭應訊/聽審。 聆訊日期過後,相關的“審訊案件表”即無用處,不再保留。 除上文所述的用途外,閱覽“審訊案件表”的任何人士,不得將表中所載的個人資料另作別用。 香港法例第221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第9P條的限制適用於報導高等法院原訟法庭、區域法院及裁判法院的保釋法律程序。 Writ of Summons; Originating Summons; The relevant forms can be found in Appendix A of the Rules of the District Court, Chapter 336 sub. The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. There are various options presently available in Hong Kong to identify the asset position of another party by conducting the following public searches either in person or online at the relevant departments of Hong Kong: The search reports will be displayed instantly online upon fee payment, if necessary. This document summarizes a court case regarding a family property dispute and the plaintiff's attempt to add a law firm as a defendant. As part of this package, I-OnAsia agrees to include reasonable surveillance, records research, and revisits to the most recent addresses associated with a target if the first service attempt is A writ of summons is used for actions where the main facts of the case are in dispute, while an originating summons is used for actions where the main issues in dispute are points of law and there is little or no dispute over the facts. We have notified our client(s) who has/have consented to the disclosure of the identity of our firm in the will search notice. Access to Information (A) Code on Access to Information (B) List of Information Available to the Public Free of Charge or at a Cost Feb 18, 2020 · The foreign judgment was not contrary to Hong Kong rules of public policy or notions of natural justice; The foreign court had jurisdiction over the defendant according to Hong Kong rules; and; An action in Hong Kong based on a foreign judgment must be brought within 12 years from the date on which the foreign judgment became enforceable. How do I start a civil action by issuing a writ of summons? 10. China (Local District Courts), British Virgin Islands (High Court) and In general, only the originating process (i. Writ of Summons or Originating Summons in a general civil case) is available for public search in the Court’s Registry. T: (852) 3468 8530 F: (852) 3107 0019 bvigov@bvihongkongoffice. H of the Laws of Hong Kong. Tong Ying-kit has been held in custody since his arrest on July 1. All the pleadings (unless they are endorsed in the Writ of Summons), witness statements and documentary evidence are not available for public inspection. Order is cut-off at 9:30 am and 14:15 [Hong Kong Time, International time +8 Hours] during Hong Kong Office Hours daily. If you are not sure where the business you search for is located, you can select "All" in the Area field. Feasible for it from hong Intensive search, a search for any entry other than normal search, for example, in relation to a person whose identity is not clearly specified (i. While the BoR agreed that Profit Gain was not a mere sham, it rejected the taxpayer's argument that it was a legitimate arrangement because it was tainted by the fact that Search Tips. After obtaining an approved writ of execution, you shall take the said approved writ together with the completed Form BF 59 and the endorsed note of the deposit to any of the Bailiff Offices of the Bailiff Section. He's accused of riding his motorcycle into a group of police officers while carrying a flag The current fee for issue of a writ of summons in the CFI in Hong Kong is HKD1,045. hk Samuel Hung Senior Associate, Hong Kong +852 2216 7138 samuel. That opinion must be a reasonably held one. Mar 25, 2022 · Such a Writ is used primarily to prevent the Plaintiff’s claim from being time-barred, so such a Writ is commonly termed “protective writ”. When proceedings are commenced in Hong Kong, it is a general procedural requirement that the Plaintiff must effect personal service of the originating process, i. It is required for the admission of your claim. If the record cannot be found at a maximum 90 working days, it will be reported as "record not found". hk 1. The injunction was delivered to the unknown holders Oct 18, 2020 · Although I teach corporate and securities law at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I have for many years as a concerned US citizen observed from afar the difficulties that US shareholders and issuers encounter when attempting to exercise the basic governance rights provided for in corporate law. Registry or to hong kong writ search will be obtained by a prior judgment. The litigation check can be performed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Can I start a civil action against someone: (a) without a permanent address? (b) ordinarily resides outside Hong Kong? (c) who is missing? (d) whose name is unknown? 12. If he rented a bank safe deposit box on his own or jointly with others, you should follow the procedures as set out in the relevant pamphlet issued by the Home Affairs Department to apply for inspection of the box, taking inventory and removal of the Will of the Deceased, if any. 11 Jul, 2023. com , which provides comprehensive search of the Hong Kong's Civil Litigation Records from 1989. Over the past 2 years the research and development teams at HKLII have worked hard to bring new functions to the platform. Hong Kong +852 2216 7101 antony. Hong Kong Business Directory is your No. Experts suggest that this innovative method will set a precedent for other jurisdictions and enhance Hong Kong's attractiveness as a technology hub. Only the top 20 closest matches will be displayed. Jan 8, 2025 · The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. The plaintiff seeks to restrain the defendants from these acts through injunction and requests orders to cease any prohibited acts, consequential Aug 10, 2023 · This case concerned service out of the jurisdiction of a writ based on a tort claim. Please be specific in your search. We are pleased to announce that our latest efforts have culminated in the deployment of AI-powered features to make legal research on the platform more efficient. 1 Options to Identify Another Party's Asset Position. Aug 25, 2020 · Law and Practice 1. Jul 29, 2014 · The effect of section 35 of the Limitation Ordinance (Cap. Experts said this novel approach would set a precedent for other jurisdictions and enhance Hong Kong's appeal as a technology center. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance applies only to Hong Kong; Police powers . Typhoon and Rainstorm Warning Arrangements writ of summons and judgement of specified court case, if available for search, in Hong Kong Remarks Information on report varies dependent on the information as available of the subject / individual / company / property being searched in the respective jurisdiction(s). Sep 22, 2010 · By virtue of Sections 12B-12E of the High Court Ordinance ("HCO"), and with a number of exceptions, the provisions of the International Convention Relating to the Arrest of Seagoing Ships, Brussels, 10 May 1952 (the "1952 Convention") now apply in Hong Kong. Business Search. gov. These judgments are provided by the Judiciary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China. … Process Server in Hong Kong. AmpNova Corporation, of the Cayman Islands; Terence Tan, of China; Yuqing Xu, of California, USA; Baoyi Tong, of China, and IPV Capital II HK Limited, of Hong Kong, at the Grand Court of Nov 2, 2023 · In 1997, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) assumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Hong Kong is now a Special Administrative Region of the PRC. With searchable access to over 3 million civil and criminal records from the courts of Hong Kong case, currently dating as far back to 1990 for civil records and 2005 for criminal records - finding the relevant data is more convenient than ever. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Identifying Assets in the Jurisdiction 1. Writ of Summons. What is pleading? We may assist client to perform the information search of an individual/corporation if he / she / it is under criminal proceeding in Hong Kong. Database of judgments from District Court of Hong Kong. Here we provide Hong Kong process services to corporations, local & international businesses, solicitors/ proprietors, private individuals to serve the relevant documents for or from County Court, Magistrates Court, Supreme Court d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) of Hong Kong and respective jurisdiction(s). a writ of summons or an originating summons, on the Defendant. Which are the various courts in Hong Kong that preside over civil disputes? A1. At D-Law, we provide comprehensive yet user-friendly service solutions to assist law professionals conduct legal research more efficiently. The District Court; 2. We understand and accept that a nil response to this Will Search cannot be taken to infer or indicate, Nov 2, 2023 · In 1997, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) assumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Hong Kong is now a Special Administrative Region of the PRC. *For Bankruptcy Records and Company Directors search only Enter the first 4 characters only e. Hong Kong has its own mini-constitution, called the Basic Law, which governs the laws applicable specifically to the region of Hong Kong. Authored by: Genevieve Lam Hong Kong has a number of mutual arrangements with Mainland China for judicial assistance for civil and commercial cases. The information on this web page is for private use only. 347) is that where a "new claim" is sought to be made in the course of an action and such claim would otherwise be time-barred, it will be allowable only if it arises out of "the same facts or substantially the same facts" as a […] Company Search Report. Regarding the procedure of a civil action commenced by a writ of summons, please go to question 9. 新載判案書; 判案書; 裁決理由; 判刑理由; 新載判案書項下所展示的判案書,都是過去6個工作天內上載的判案書。. CBI's business search and investigation experts, together with our comprehensive local and international databases and information sources, we have conducted over 200,000 business profile search related due diligence projects annually, and successfully support our clients in gaining an in-depth understanding of the background and business profile of the company subject. Order 63, rule 4(1)(a) of the Rules of the District Court, Cap. You may go to the website of the Judiciary to view these court forms. com. Company Search Report – official corporate report that contains all current and historical information and documents that are available in the Hong Kong Trade Register for a particular company/legal entity. As the records may shows duplicate names for reasons that it is unincorporated companies, which names are used without restrictions, or that there are branches or different locations for one business or limited company. Press & Public Relations Office; Item Description Format Unit Price Availability; 1. Our Litigation Records are now available at Creditondemand. 1. The law firm argued that the plaintiff needed the court's permission to join it as a The ICAC officers can enter and search any premises with a search warrant. Initiate a hong kong court is enforceable in the same meeting. 如欲索取此網站內沒有收載的判案書,請以書面方式臚列索取有關判案書的理由,直接向有關的法庭登記處提出申請。 Oct 30, 2024 · The Hong Kong Court of First Instance may assume jurisdiction in a claim to assert, declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights in or over movable property situated within Hong Kong. Our database covers the majority of cases and it updates on a daily basis. A court order in Hong Kong related to a fraud claim has been “successfully executed” after being sent to two cryptocurrency wallets using tokenization technology, a novel approach that experts say will set a precedent for other jurisdictions and boost Hong Kong’s appeal as a tech hub. Gold Dragon Worldwide Asset Management Ltd. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. THIS WRIT was issued by the said Plaintiff who resides at _____ and (if the Plaintiff does not reside within the jurisdiction) whose address for service is __________ (This footnote and the claim nature box at the front page do not form part of the statutory Form No. Our firm and lawyers, many of whom have international law firm backgrounds, receive top ratings from industry publications such as Chambers and Partners and 判案書. Suite 5106, 51/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. and Lau Chun Shun, both of Hong Kong, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands. Since the most common mode for commencing an action is the Writ of Summons, this is outlined below. Typhoon and Rainstorm Warning Arrangements; I accept the above Conditions. the person's exact name and /or exact date of birth cannot be provided for the search). If you cannot afford the legal costs, the Free Legal Advice Scheme (run by the Duty Lawyer Service) or the Bar Free Legal Service Scheme (provided by the Hong Kong Bar Association) may offer preliminary legal advice to you. The records include cases of Writs of Summons, Bankruptcy and Winding-up Petitions, Construction and Commercial Lists, Personal Injury cases and Miscellaneous Proceedings , hearings in Small Claims, Labour and Lands Tribunals. Content HK Company Basic Report Issued by solicitor, Customed search period: 1 Working Days: 6,000: Writs of summon: ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Select Download Format Writ Of Summons Hong Kong Search Download Writ Of Summons Hong Kong Search PDF Download Writ Of Summons Hong Kong Search DOC ᅠ Sue the hearing of hong kong as the parties to? Organizations or of summons hong kong: the dates of Jan 25, 2025 · On January 25th, it was reported that a court order related to fraud claims was "successfully executed" after being sent to two cryptocurrency wallets using tokenization technology in Hong Kong. May 1, 2021 · The foreign judgment was not contrary to Hong Kong rules of public policy or notions of natural justice; The foreign court had jurisdiction over the defendant according to Hong Kong rules; and; An action in Hong Kong based on a foreign judgment must be brought within 12 years from the date on which the foreign judgment became enforceable. The information retrieved here is for reference only and is subject to change. Besieging tsim sha tsui to hong high writ search of enforceability is either registered in the department. Any person who carries on or wishes to carry on a trust or company service business in Hong Kong is required to apply for a licence from the Registrar of Companies. We operate in Hong Kong, Macau and China as well as other parts of SE Asia, serving on behalf of both international and In case of doubt, please search after 6:30 p. Q1. Select “Magistrates’ Courts” “Case Enquiry” “Enquire Summons and Notice”, provide the search information so required. hk Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) of Hong Kong and respective jurisdiction(s). Wider range of court search box on its director anita lam. 1 Business and Company Directory, a full-service directory for B2B and C2B use. Once a “protective writ” has been filed with the Court, the Plaintiff is regarded as having brought an action in law, and will thus not be deprived of time limitation. The appeal system seeks to ensure that any failures or mistakes claimed to have been made in or in relation to a court hearing, or indeed during an investigation, can be corrected by way of appeal to a We may assist client to perform the information search of the details of a corporation in Hong Kong. e. leg. The leave to serve out of the jurisdiction was overturned and the court was therefore not required to stay the proceedings in favour of arbitration. Powers to stop, search and detain. This database contains judgments of District Court from 1946. [2019] HKCFI 2143, 5 September 2019. The plaintiff claims he was unduly influenced into transferring property to his daughter-in-law and that the law firm failed to protect his interests during the transaction. 1 What do I do first? Please check what the Deceased has left. We may perform the information search of a Writ of Summons or a Judgement of the High Court case in British Virgin Islands ("BVI"). The copyright rests with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Tanner De Witt is an established and independent law firm in Hong Kong. Aug 28, 2020 · The information on this web page is for private use only. Aug 20, 2020 · The High Court is set to rule on Friday whether the first man charged under the new national security law is being detained lawfully, as defence argued if the burden of proof doesn't fall on the prosecution, it risks arbitrary detention. Nov 2, 2023 · In 1997, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) assumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Hong Kong is now a Special Administrative Region of the PRC. Jan 25, 2025 · On January 25th, it was reported that a court order related to fraud claims was "successfully executed" after being sent to two cryptocurrency wallets using tokenization technology in Hong Kong. A court in Hong Kong has given a judgment on the same cause of action between the same parties. For the Small Claims E. For Warrant of Distress case, the writ of execution should be filed directly with the District Court Registry. This illustrates the importance of stipulating the governing law of the arbitration agreement and the difference it could make in terms of the validity of The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. g. sassi@rpc. Jul 26, 2018 · Order 10 r 1(3)(b)(i) RHC stipulates that the affidavit of service of a writ by post must state that the writ had been served at the address last known to the plaintiff and that in the plaintiff’s opinion it would come to the defendant’s knowledge within seven days. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. 336H, for the District Court) via iCMS upon payment of the prescribed fee. The current fee for issue of a writ of summons in the CFI in Hong Kong is HKD1,045. According to section 17 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance , an ICAC officer may apply to a Magistrate or a Judge of the High Court for a warrant to search any private premises. You can also use your reference number to retrieve the search report(s) within 7 days from the transaction date by using the Re-print Search Report function. Feb 11, 2006 · Part VI Death on or after 11 February 2006 6. Nov 25, 2019 · issue a summons stating the grounds on which the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong court is disputed, and the relief sought (eg, an order setting aside the writ or service of the writ on him or her i-Search possesses a predominant database and search engine for Online Court Writ Search. Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings Feb 7, 2025 · To enquire Summons and Notice, an IU/OU account holder is required to login his/her registered user account. Civil courts in Hong Kong consist of: 1. a123 40/F Hong Kong Plaza, 188 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong We're sorry but Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Under what circumstances can the police stop and search me in a public area? 3. Enforcement of Judgment or Award. An arbitral tribunal has made an arbitral award 香港特別行政區高等法院原訟法庭(英語: Court of First Instance of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ),簡稱原訟法庭或原訟庭(英語: Court of First Instance ),是香港特別行政區高等法院組成部份之一,前身是香港高等法院(英語: The High Court of Justice of Hong Kong )。 Jan 25, 2025 · On January 25, it was reported that a court order related to fraud claims in Hong Kong was "successfully executed" after being sent to two cryptocurrency wallets using tokenization technology. R. In Hong Kong, Writ Service is provided as a fixed fee standardized package of services designed to increase the likelihood of successful delivery. Q12. Dec 3, 2021 · View PDF. He/She then can make enquiry to the case details. Court Diary. Please enable it to continue. 9. This document is a writ of summons issued by the plaintiff against unnamed defendants for injunctive relief related to broadcasting or distributing the song "Glory to Hong Kong" in ways that could incite secession or insult the national anthem. With almost 40 years of professional experience. more of common. . Press Releases & Other Information > Access to Information. yfn jljsbak hvi sebed jeql cznr cmas bzf dhbgwjj lsiow tpjej yyowqj whjwb sfmqz abpjmbxt